What did you cook/eat today (April 2017)?

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Football is banned in this house :laugh: The one and only time it has been seen on TV was the 1983 cup final (Brighton & Hove Albion vs Manchester United), and even then no one bothered to watch the replay a few days later :D. The only times I've ever been to a football match were in the 1959/60 season to watch the TV All Stars vs. Fords at Dagenham, and in 1969/70 season to watch a Greek football match (or should that be, riot?) in Waiblingen.
I've tried to get into it...but, I end up wandering off at some point...
Yes I agree with you about coconut oil - I tried it and found it replusive i.e. tastless and greasy + the saturated fat aspect of it has always rung alarm bells with me.
The only uses for coconut oil in this house are for growing back balding patches and for shiny, lustrous ..... fur! It goes in the dog's dinner and on his fur. It also makes a reasonable hand cream. Otherwise I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. The latest "jury" reckons it might not be so good for you in the long term after all.....
A catch up on what I've been cooking lately :D

Tuesday I had wild garlic and potato soup (and no, I had not seen @Lullabelle 's post then. I wouldn't eat any roadside wild garlic from round here - it came in the veg box!) with a thick chunk of bread, followed by cauliflower cheese with onions, mushrooms and garlic, and bean ragu with garlic. There was enough left for Wednesday, so I had a no-cooking day. And last night I had two eggs, 3 rashers of gorgeous back bacon, mushrooms, onions, baked beans and chips :D

Football is banned in this house :laugh: The one and only time it has been seen on TV was the 1983 cup final (Brighton & Hove Albion vs Manchester United), and even then no one bothered to watch the replay a few days later :D. The only times I've ever been to a football match were in the 1959/60 season to watch the TV All Stars vs. Fords at Dagenham, and in 1969/70 season to watch a Greek football match (or should that be, riot?) in Waiblingen.

I work in an office with guys, it is the bulk of their conversations, they do talk about work sometimes :rolleyes:
A catch up on what I've been cooking lately :D

Tuesday I had wild garlic and potato soup (and no, I had not seen @Lullabelle 's post then. I wouldn't eat any roadside wild garlic from round here - it came in the veg box!) with a thick chunk of bread, followed by cauliflower cheese with onions, mushrooms and garlic, and bean ragu with garlic. There was enough left for Wednesday, so I had a no-cooking day. And last night I had two eggs, 3 rashers of gorgeous back bacon, mushrooms, onions, baked beans and chips :D

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We bought garlic bulbs a couple of years ago and they are thriving in the back garden, we let the flowers go to seed to get more bulbs. I bought them online and were delivered to work, folks would walk in the office, get a whiff of something, screw up their face and walk away completely unaware of what they could smell, it was a very strong and pungent odour.
Last night would up being chicken in a quick sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing/dressing and broccoli &cauliflower in a cheese sauce.
Tonight will be meatloaf with leftover vegetables including the boiled turnips from the other night.
Tomorrow will be something and zucchini.
Sunday will be a pot roast with potatoes and baby carrots.
We bought garlic bulbs a couple of years ago and they are thriving in the back garden, we let the flowers go to seed to get more bulbs. I bought them online and were delivered to work, folks would walk in the office, get a whiff of something, screw up their face and walk away completely unaware of what they could smell, it was a very strong and pungent odour.
It will be ready around here in a few weeks...I've already got a few spots picked out where I will hopefully get a bunch
I work in an office with guys, it is the bulk of their conversations, they do talk about work sometimes :rolleyes:

Now you see, I’m going to walk a diplomatic tightrope here and hope to get away with it by making it clear that I do not perceive this as in anyway inherent traits of the sexes but absolutely purely a social phenomenon. But I work in an office with a more even mix of the sexes and, I accept unusually, sport is not a big topic of conversation among the men. I think that is just a question that it just happens to be that most of my male colleagues are not big into talking about sport. But there absolutely is a topic of conversation among the women that dominates all other topics of conversation. I wouldn’t like to put a number on it, the truth is, if I was to try to estimate I would probably actually over-state it, but let me say only, that there is one topic of conversation among the women that occurs significantly more frequently than any other topic of conversation. And you have to know what I am going to say.

It would depend on the size of your tins..These are common sized tins over here. I use about 3 ounces of dough. (85 grams)

Oh, thanks - I meant how far up the holes does the dough need to be - level with the top or higher. I intend to have a go at these!
Now you see, I’m going to walk a diplomatic tightrope here and hope to get away with it by making it clear that I do not perceive this as in anyway inherent traits of the sexes but absolutely purely a social phenomenon. But I work in an office with a more even mix of the sexes and, I accept unusually, sport is not a big topic of conversation among the men. I think that is just a question that it just happens to be that most of my male colleagues are not big into talking about sport. But there absolutely is a topic of conversation among the women that dominates all other topics of conversation. I wouldn’t like to put a number on it, the truth is, if I was to try to estimate I would probably actually over-state it, but let me say only, that there is one topic of conversation among the women that occurs significantly more frequently than any other topic of conversation. And you have to know what I am going to say.


I cannot argue with that, there are 2 women on the shop floor who pig out at Christmas and New Year then spend the rest of the year discussing their weight and dieting. There are only 3 females in the office, the other 2 are both mums-1 is a grandma so a lot of talk is about kids, they both watch soaps. I am not and I don't.
Oh, thanks - I meant how far up the holes does the dough need to be - level with the top or higher. I intend to have a go at these!
They filled up the holes and were level with the pan..I let them rise for about 35-40 minutes...grease it well so the don't stick to the top of the tin..
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