
Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle
Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle, particularly skeletal muscle. Most beef skeletal muscle meat can be used as is by merely cutting into certain parts, such as roasts, short ribs or steak (filet mignon, sirloin steak, rump steak, rib steak, rib eye steak, hanger steak, etc.), while other cuts are processed (corned beef or beef jerky). Trimmings, on the other hand, are usually mixed with meat from older, leaner (therefore tougher) cattle, are ground, minced or used in sausages. Other parts that are eaten include other muscles and offal, such as the oxtail, liver, tongue, tripe from the reticulum or rumen, glands (particularly the pancreas and thymus, referred to as sweetbread), the heart, the kidneys, and the tender testicles of the bull (known in the US as calf fries, prairie oysters, or Rocky Mountain oysters). Some intestines are cooked and eaten as is, but are more often cleaned and used as natural sausage casings. The bones are used for making beef stock.

Beef production has a high environmental impact per gram of protein.

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  1. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Bison (or Beef) Steak Tartare

    This is essentially steak tartare, which is raw meat from a very healthy source, and very fresh (or freshly thawed if you get the meat shipped to you from afar, like I did). I opted to go simple this time. Beef tartare has its origins in Mongolia, and the French have adapted a preparation to...
  2. medtran49

    Recipe Frito Pie with West Texas Chili

    We made this back at the end of January 2020 and I didn't take a picture of it for some reason. It was delish though! You can make a portable version by emptying out a bag of Fritos, then layering the chips, chili, cheese, and garnishes to refill the bag. You can use the big bags for 2 or 3...
  3. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Beef Stew

    Beef stew is a highly underrated comfort food in the culinary world. I think this is because the ingredients are usually readily available. This makes it the perfect food for times when you can't (or don't want to) go to specialty stores to assemble an elevated dish. Despite its humble nature, I...
  4. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Clove Bison (or Beef) Tongue with a Pan Fried Finish, and Onion and Bell Pepper

    This bison tongue was obtained from Wild Idea, a bison-raising venture in Montana. And they are effectively raised wild, as the ranch covers a LOT of square mileage - well over a hundred I believe. For this venture, I decided to go for a braising, "firm but shreddable" which in the below is...
  5. Windigo

    Recipe Zoervleis, Dutch sweet and sour beef stew

    I must warn that certain ingredients might be hard to get outside the Netherlands, and maybe not easy to substitute. The cooking time is also long (4 hours). Ingredients: 800 g stewing steak (beef) 300 ml of dark, bitter beer of your preference. I used Guiness A mixture of 100 ml water and 100...
  6. rascal

    Corned beef n carrots with mustard sauce.

    Old favourite here, freezer diving and come across a nice piece, daughter spotted it, make corned beef n carrots dad! This is kiwi version, but I think it's pretty much UK version. Usually done in winter but it's Autumn so I'm going it. Crock pot and on slow for 5 hrs. Carrots added to pot with...
  7. Saranak

    Recipe Spiced rub for make roast beef.

    Ciao a tutti, Ray love his roast beef dinner. I happy make for him but I add my twist on English tradition with dry rub. I tend find plain roast beef is bland. I no use all of recipe on one beef roast, I make this an put inside glass jar with tight lid. You need - 1 1/2 Tablespoon onion...
  8. Matilda

    Curious about Beef Brisket

    I have such an urge to try making a Beef Brisket. I've looked at recipes for baking, slow cooking, stove-top, (no BBq), almost tempted to pressure cook. Is there any one way for a perfect Brisket? I know, its asking a lot. Any one have any fantastic recipes?
  9. medtran49

    Recipe Gyro homemade!

    The original recipe came from "My Adventures in BBq'in and Grillin': Rotisserie Grilled Greek Gyros." The web site was gone the last time I looked. I have modified the recipe in spices and technique to fit our tastes. 2 lbs ground lamb or a mix of lamb and ground beef (which is what we did...
  10. Windigo

    Recipe Indonesian Beef rendang by the Hairy Bikers

    This picture is cropped from another, probably not the best. But the full picture is visible in the thread What did you cook or eat today (March 2020)? post 189. Ingredients: 2 lemongrass stalks, dry outer leaves removed, roughly chopped 3 medium-sized red onions, quartered 6 garlic cloves...
  11. Saranak

    Recipe Beef Marinated in Wine & Balsamic Vinegar

    Ciao everyone, As we all know back in the day there were no fridges and freezers in homes certainly not in Napoli! So this is centuries old, I make rarely, maybe twice a year. because of the amount of beef it can last for ages and the marinade that the meat soaks preserves the meat. You will...
  12. ElizabethB

    "The Wife"

    I am steamed.:mad: When men refer to their spouses as "the wife". What is with that? What is wrong with My Wife? I would never demean George by referring to him as "The Husband". He is George, G, Sweet G or My Husband. Seriously Guys - what gives? Is your wife a piece of furniture? The...
  13. rascal

    Yorky inspired burger

    Man Yorky burger pics always get my mouth salivating, they look so good, and I said I would make a burger, well today I was hungry at midday, so I got a bun out of the freezer along with a meat pattie. The patties are pre made and pre cooked, they cook in 5 mins. Angel bay make them, a lot of...
  14. TastyReuben

    Recipe Beef Burgundy

    BEEF BURGUNDY Served 6-8 INGREDIENTS 8 oz bacon, chopped 4 lbs beef chuck, cut into 1 1/2 inch chunks salt & freshly ground black pepper 1 large onion, chopped fine 2 carrots, peeled and chopped fine 8 garlic cloves, minced 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme 4 tablespoons tomato paste 2 1⁄2...
  15. R

    Sous vide beef confusion

    Hi chaps, forgive what may be a silly question, I bought a couple of "beef leg" steaks, they were cheap so I'm guessing they are "tough" looking at the temp/time chart (excellent by the way - this is not a moan) the times range from 1 - 24 hours ... anyone any experience with this cut please ?
  16. rascal

    Ngaires Kai see Ming.

    I don't know the origin of this but a friend who has since passed gave It to me, basically beef mince fried in butter with onions diced, then chicken noodle soup dried packets, then water and mixed veges. At the end add shredded cabbage. It's really good comfort food, and one I like with a few...
  17. rascal

    Thai beef satay

  18. murphyscreek

    Recipe & Video Korean Style Beef Ribs (Apple and Doenjang marinade)

    Ingredients 1.2 kg beef ribs 1 small red apple 1/2 onion 5 cloves garlic 1/2 tbsp grated ginger 1/4 cup mirin 1 and 1/2 tbsp doenjang paste 3 tbsp brown sugar 1 tbsp dried chilli flakes Spring onions (garnish) Method Make sure ribs are cleared of any membrane. Combine remaining ingredients in...
  19. Yorky

    Recipe Beef, Kidney and Potato Pie

    Ingredients 500 gm beef topside, cut into 25 mm cubes 200 gm kidney, roughly chopped 3 tblsp flour ½ tsp salt 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp garlic, pureed 1 bay leaf ½ tsp paprika 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 onion, chopped (200 gm) 250 ml beef stock 350 gm potatoes, cubed 25mm 1...
  20. Mountain Cat

    Recipe The "Un-Philly" Philadelphia Cheesesteak Sandwich (Lettuce Wrap)

    An Authentic Philadelphia cheese steak sandwich contains a bread roll (which I have omitted because I'd prefer lettuce...), thin-sliced or chopped ribeye steak, and (usually) Provolone cheese. The sandwich is a "trademark" in ways of Philadelphia. I have yet to eat a genuine one, though I've...
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