
A drink prepared from roasted coffee beans
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain Coffea species. From the coffee fruit, the seeds are separated to produce a stable, raw product: unroasted green coffee. The seeds are then roasted, a process which transforms them into a consumable product: roasted coffee, which is ground into a powder and typically steeped in hot water before being filtered out, producing a cup of coffee.

Coffee is darkly coloured, bitter, slightly acidic and has a stimulating effect in humans, primarily due to its caffeine content. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways (e.g., espresso, French press, caffè latte, or already-brewed canned coffee). It is usually served hot, although chilled or iced coffee is common. Sugar, sugar substitutes, milk or cream are often used to lessen the bitter taste.
  1. rascal

    When is a coffee not just a coffee?

    Mod Edit: New thread on Coffee names started I would have had the lasagne as well And just a plain flat white. ( I'm a simple man) lol Russ
  2. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Coffee grinders

    My OH had decided he wants a coffee bean grinder for his birthday in March after trading an article on the guardian. Everything you need to make great coffee – and the kit that’s not worth your money Does anyone have any recommendations please? Budget, I guess AUD$200-300 which is about...
  3. TastyReuben

    Recipe Irish Coffee

    Irish Coffee Makes one piping-hot drink Ingredients 1 tsp granulated sugar 1 tsp brown sugar (light or dark) 3/4 oz Irish whiskey 3/4 oz Baileys Irish Cream liqueur 6 oz hot brewed coffee Whipped cream (or acceptable substitute) A bit of colored sugar, for decoration Directions Prepare...
  4. P

    Replicating McDonald's Black Coffee at Home?

    Hai Everyone, Whenever I make McDonald's brand coffee at home and I am following the package instructions, it always turns out a lot more bitter and less smooth than what I get in-store. Does anyone know if they have a specific brewing process or trick, like adding a pinch of salt or something...
  5. kaneohegirlinaz

    Recipe Keoki Coffee

    Have you seen this Coffee drink on restaurant/bar menus? Keoki Coffee Makes 1 Cocktail Ingredients: 5 oz. Coffee, strongly brewed 1 oz. Bourbon (or Whiskey, if you prefer, my Father like Scotch) 1/2 oz. Kahlua 1/2 oz. Crème de Cacao (or any Chocolate Liquor, like Godiva 🥰) Whipped Cream for...
  6. badjak


    Apparently now it's good for me :) Why coffee could be good for your health I just wonder as there is no talk about milk toning things down. Or fillered vs non-filtered... Anyway, I drink about 2 cups a day (and eat turmeric and chili's, so I should life forever. If only I could find somewhere...
  7. M

    Mushroom Coffee: Have you tried it?

    I am wondering how many of you have tried mushroom coffee, and what did you think about it?
  8. LissaC

    My moka pot coffee is watery

    Hi everyone, I recently bought a moka pot, but my first coffee was terribly watery. I'm using a powdered coffee that says it's a regular grind, and I fill the pot with cold water up to the valve, and then heat it in the stovetop in medium heat. I like a thick, full bodied coffee. Any ideas how...
  9. Windigo

    Recipe My special home brewed spiced chocolate latte

    So, I like Starbucks coffee, but that's really expensive. So I make my own batch of latte weekly, following a recipe I thought up myself. It's good hot or cold. This is a sweet coffee recipe, probably not fit for coffee purists :D Ingredients for 730 mls of latte: -1 pot of coffee brewed to...
  10. TastyReuben

    Coffee Grinders

    Mentions of coffee grinders have popped up in a couple of posts lately, so if your the type to grind your own beans, let’s see yours. We have coffee three times a week (Fri-Sun mornings), and MrsT drinks different coffee than I, so this grinds two batches of beans on those mornings: I think...
  11. GadgetGuy

    Bought a new Keurig Classic Coffee Maker!!

    The one that I bought just 4 months ago had crapped out!! It wouldn't pump the hot water into the k-cup holder & into the mug!! So I ordered the one pictured below. I should've known not to get that one!! It was cheap, but I thought that didn't matter. Now, I'm not so sure!! You only get what...
  12. medtran49

    Recipe Irish coffee

    The best Irish Coffee we ever had was at an Irish pub in Stresa, Italy, up in the local area. We had climbed the hill/mountain to eat dinner at a tiny little place a very nice and friendly merchant had recommended to us earlier in the day while we were shopping in her store for food goodies...
  13. TastyReuben

    Recipe Slapshot (Hot Drink)

    Slapshot Makes 1 drink Ingredients 1/2 oz dark rum 1/2 oz Baileys Irish Cream 1/2 oz Kahlua 1/2 oz Amaretto Hot coffee Whipped cream Directions Combine the liqueurs with a cup of hot coffee and top with whipped cream. Recipe courtesy of Cincinnati Germania Society's Christkindlmarkt Drinks...
  14. TastyReuben

    Recipe Psycho Joe (Hot Drink)

    Psycho Joe Makes 1 drink Ingredients 3/4 pz Kahlua 3/4 oz peppermint schnapps Hot coffee Directions Combine Kahlua and schnapps with a hot cup of coffee. Recipe courtesy of Cincinnati Germania Society's Christkindlmarkt Drinks Recipes
  15. TastyReuben

    Recipe Hot Tub Heaven (Hot Drink)

    Hot Tub Heaven (Hot Drink) Makes 1 drink Ingredients 1 oz peppermint schnapps 1 oz Amaretto 3 oz Baileys Irish Cream Hot coffee Directions Combine first three ingredients in a cup of hot coffee. Recipe courtesy of Cincinnati Germania Society's Christkindlmarkt Drinks Recipes
  16. TastyReuben

    Recipe Calypso Coffee (Hot Drink)

    Calypso Coffee Makes 1 drink Ingredients 1 oz light rum 1/2 oz Kahlua Hot coffee Whipped cream Directions Mix rum and Kahlua with a cup of coffee and top with whipped cream Recipe courtesy of Cincinnati Germania Society's Christkindlmarkt Drinks Recipes
  17. detroitdad

    Bourbon and Coffee

    Good Morning/Evening, Anyone that knows me here, knows that I am a bourbon drinker. I was trying to think of a few new drinks to make on Christmas. My research let me to serving a cold brew bourbon coffee drink. I have never made cold brew coffee. My son said that its as simple as coarsely...
  18. TastyReuben

    Descaling Coffee/Tea Maker/Kettle

    My Keurig comes with an automatic reminder as to when to descale it, which I do using a mixture of water and white vinegar. I also descale the tea maker and the electric kettle at the same time. Do you routinely descale yours?
  19. Master Cutler

    Instant Coffee Better Flavour

    Something about my coffee habits I would like to share with everyone, for your feedback and views. For convenience I use a fair amount of instant coffee, but often the tap water where we live adds an unpleasant taste to it, even when boiled several times. To overcome this I use specially...
  20. Mr. Coffee Thermos

    Mr. Coffee Thermos

    Mr. Coffee Thermos
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