Hot water bottles YES you absolutely do Still see them, I’m currently considering buying another

Blankets YEP have heaps
Handkerchiefs OK you’re correct thats a no and for most always was, germy little rags

Little brushes and mops to wash the dishes, and a bowl to fill with water, and then wash the dishes. YEP that still happens with ‘not suitable for dishwasher’ items like wooden chopping boards.
Table mats and tea cosies. YEP
Tinned prunes, pears, mandarins, strawberries, fruit salad. Hmm yes and no. Tinned pears, raspberries yes, tinned lychees may have replaced mixed fruit

Tea cups and saucers, milk jugs (tiny ones), vinegar and oil bottles. Oh so YYYYEEEESSSS - Cup and saucer, of course, what sort of animal are you

, tiny milk jugs - almost every proper cafe you’ll ever visit.
Crochet and knitting baskets. Soz but also YES crochet has made a big comeback since Covid. Check Etsy if you don‘t believe me.