A hello from the Antelope Valley


Senior Member
17 Jul 2019
Local time
1:53 PM
Lancaster, CA
Hi all, I'm Angel. I live in Lancaster, CA which is part of the quiet and sometimes strange Antelope Valley. I love to cook, and I am here to meet some people who share my interest. I hope to find and share some interesting recipes, especially the rich and fattening kind as I need to gain weight.

Peace to you all.
Welcome to CookingBites @Windangel :welcome:. I know a lot of us will envy you wanting to put on weight. I also know that for some it can be a really difficult thing so you have my empathy. Antelope Valley is a great name for a place!

We are mostly all keen cooks here and love to share recipes and discuss foodie subject so please feel free to join in wherever you like. We have a regular thread What did you cook or eat today (July 2019)? which is a good place to join in and we generally have some fun challenges going on. See here: The Current CookingBites Challenges.
CraigC- I am a very eclectic eater, when I have an appetite. I like just about everything from Cajun to Thai. I like to try unusual things and interesting ethnic foods, but I am drawing the line at the insect fad going on. I hated ants and meal worms! Never again! :headshake:

Thank you, Morning Glory. I really hope I can find some recipes to tempt my sluggish appetite.
Hi, welcome! For putting on weight, I'd look at a lot of pasta dishes and lots of bread. What's that quote from Sophia Loren? - "Everything you see, I owe to pasta." Something like that, anyway.

I know a lot of people joke or minimize being underweight ("I wish I had that problem! You're lucky!"), but I know it's a real issue for some people and just as frustrating as anything else. I hope you get lucky with finding some dishes that sound appealing!
CraigC- I am a very eclectic eater, when I have an appetite. I like just about everything from Cajun to Thai. I like to try unusual things and interesting ethnic foods, but I am drawing the line at the insect fad going on. I hated ants and meal worms! Never again! :headshake:

Thank you, Morning Glory. I really hope I can find some recipes to tempt my sluggish appetite.

Butter and cream are your friends,lol. I use a lot of both.

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