A 'new' trend for naming dogs

Cats I've had (that I named, not that came with names already attached):

Katrina, Misty, Rascal (NEVER call an animal Rascal - they will live up to it), Titania, Jebu, Serenity (still with me), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Orion.

Chickens I currently have: Romeo, Red, Chester, Otis, Henrietta, Rustbucket, Lyra, Zahra, Athena, Yin, Ga Mai, and up until two days ago, the late and lamented Chickpea, first hen ever born here on the property. Chickpea got caught by a predator, who like me prefers thigh meat. (Some hens never got named because I can't tell them apart.)
Every dog my one older sister has ever had was named Lucy. Short for Lucifer. I guess she had an inkling each time what she was getting into.
Now, that would really have sent my mother over the edge.

Being bratty kids when we were kids, we told Mom that there was a song by the Beatles, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
"Oh, nice!"
"Stands for LSD."....
Yes, we had our brat moments.
I prefer giving pets non-human names (or at least if human, obscure ones). Mom was very upset when I was a youngun, knowing a neighbor down the street had named her dog, "Lucy" - my Mom's name.
My mom and her MIL had a tepid relationship, and both were/are very passive-aggressive.

When my mom was pregnant with my sister, she told everyone what she’d planned on naming her, and shortly after that, my grandparents’ had a new calf born, and my grandmother loudly proclaimed that she was naming the new calf the same name that my mom had picked out for my sister! :laugh:

The funny thing was, grandmom had never named an animal in her life! :laugh:
Now, that would really have sent my mother over the edge.

Being bratty kids when we were kids, we told Mom that there was a song by the Beatles, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
"Oh, nice!"
"Stands for LSD."....
Yes, we had our brat moments.
But why didn't they name LSD "LSWD" then :laugh:? John Lennon said his son Julian drew a picture in nursery school...John asked him what it was, and Julian said, "It's Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". LOL. Yeah, right.
I once had a dog named Maggy, short for Magnificent the 7th. She was a crested Chinese hairless. Our two pugs are Arwin and Strider after two Lord of the Rings characters.
Our sole female chick this year is being named Sally after one of my husband's work colleagues. She asked for a chook to be named after her. Several of our chooks have been named after female work colleagues of his much to everyone's delight.
i havent named a pet in my adult life. Wife and i dedicated to choosing pound dogs, and those come with names. my current dog is Hank, and cat is Fergie.

if i get another dog, i am naming her "Q". single letter.
We had an Alsatian - called Draco (because the kids were Harry Potter fans)
Now we´ve got Igor - he was named for Winnie the Pooh. ( Ee-aww in the Spanish version: Igor)
But why didn't they name LSD "LSWD" then :laugh:? John Lennon said his son Julian drew a picture in nursery school...John asked him what it was, and Julian said, "It's Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". LOL. Yeah, right.
Probably for the same reason that it's also not LitSwD, either. In, the, and with are typically not capitalized when it's a title.
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