All Things Picnic!

That’s one of the things I hate about here and love about there. Here, in most parks, booze is illegal, highly policed, and heavily fined…unless it’s some structured event and there’s booze for sale, then it’s fine, but only the booze for sale at the event, can’t bring your own, nope, it’s gotta be the $10 beers that they’re selling.

When we picnic, I’m a crafty little <bleeper>, and I pack mini bottles of Prosecco and a bottle of sparkling apple cider (not hard cider), quick pour the Prosecco in the glasses, ditch the bottles in a trash can that’s well away from us, and it’s “Why no, officer, that’s just sparkling apple cider, as you can plainly see. We’re old and respectable, but those hooligan teenagers over there could use a smack. I think I saw them sharing one of those funny cigarettes…, yeah, that’s it…go right over there and hassle those teens…hahaha!…cheers, luv!” 🥂

There are lots of ways to sneak booze into events. :D

I know what a mickey is. Do they make clothing for hiding your mickey, or is any pocket big enough considered a mickey pocket?

The inside breast pocket of a coat is called a Mickey Pocket around here..Our Mickeys here are 16 ounces..and, any owning a wine skin was very common back then..
The inside breast pocket of a coat is called a Mickey Pocket around here
This is what used to be a mickey around here…Mickey’s Big Mouth:



Stubby barrel bottle with a wide mouth, designed for efficiently rescuing the beer trapped in the bottle and delivering it to its rightful home…your belly.
Yes..I've seen it around here, too..I found the big opening weird to drink out of..You couldn't get that satisfying "glug glug" that comes with drinking a beer out of a

Same thing with those aluminum bottles. Opening is too big..
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Yes..I've seen it around here, too..I found the big opening weird to drink out of..You couldn't get that satisfying "glug glug" that comes with drinking a beer out of a

Same thing with those aluminum bottles. Opening is too big..
Well I'm not really a "glug glug" kind of girl, so I didn't mind.
The only way to take the first drinknfrom a cold beer. Gotta at least take 2-3 glugs…maybe it’s a guy thing
Yes, I completely get it. I've been around beer drinking men my entire life (dad, uncles, guy friends, boyfriends and now husband) and seen/heard it. It's often followed by a loud, reverberating belch and satisfied "ahhh". It's just not a dainty way to drink. I love beer but I'm not going to glug it!
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