Am I the only one...


15 Oct 2012
Local time
9:13 AM
Who feels that their cooking should come with a health warning? Or at the least have those eating it sign a disclaimer first.

In a world where perfection is everything, and everyone else produces nothing but perfect food. Am I alone in admitting that I'm not a perfect cook?
Im definitely not the pefect cook. It tastes fine, but doesn't look like the food you see in magazines. On the other hand, ive seen cooks on tv and to be honest, some of it looks a lot better than I think it would taste, so I'll go for taste over looks every time.
Oh no your not the only one!
My wife has a electronic probe to test food and still wears a fireman's helmet before trying to get my boys to eat the cremated remains !
Some times the food is recognizable
I would not say that I am a perfect cook, but most of the time my food does taste good and looks good too. I am one for taste over looks, but I think they both have their place. If the food is well prepared and presented, then it would look more appetizing. However, as the saying goes "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." So, my main aim when cooking, is to make the food as tasty as possible.
I would not say that I am a perfect cook, but most of the time my food does taste good and looks good too. I am one for taste over looks, but I think they both have their place. If the food is well prepared and presented, then it would look more appetizing. However, as the saying goes "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." So, my main aim when cooking, is to make the food as tasty as possible.
+1 for that - it really is taste that matters, BUT sometimes it really is nice to have something that looks really special too.
I think most of us consider ourselves good (not perfect) cooks or we wouldn't be hanging out in a cooking forum. We all care about how our food tastes and looks, but in my book, taste is paramount. I have a reputation amongst my friends and family as some kind of cooking expert even though I'm not. But one can't help from gathering knowledge if one likes to cook and does a lot of it. I have a close friend in Calfornia and she and I visit each other back and forth a couple of times a year. My friend claims she can't cook, but we spend most of our time together planning meals that she watches me cook. She even takes notes, for heaven's sake. So she has the desire and the interest, she just needs the confidence. I have the confidence and I think that quality is one of the things that makes all of us good cooks. We know we can do it and we're not afraid experimenting just for the pleasure we get from trying something new and having it come out well. I don't strive for perfection, but sometimes, infrequently, it comes along anyway.
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