And the winner is...

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
6:59 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
After much deliberation I shortlisted 3 recipes featuring the orange for the Cookingbites Recipe Challenge. A big thank you to all who participated. For comments on all the recipes submitted see my previous post here:
The CookingBites Recipe Challenge

The shortlist:
from @SatNavSaysStraightOn
Recipe Vegetarian Black Bean Burgers with Orange-Basil Salsa
I like this recipe very much. I'm a great fan of black beans with their earthy, smokey flavour, the perfect foil for tangy fragrant orange. Throw in a twist of chilli and I'm on board! I also think that visually this dish would work well - orange, red and green and black. The only change I'd make is to add orange zest to the salsa.
Recipe Rye and orange biscuits
A straightforward simple recipe. I can imagine the slightly sour rye flavour would work well with tangy orange. I would have made these if I could have obtained rye flakes - but I'm away from home right now and the local Waitrose didn't stock them.
from @Duck59
Recipe Orange, beetroot and celery salad
I liked this recipe. Super simple and using just three basic ingredients: the earthy sweetness of beetroot, the aniseed tang of celery and the fragrant zing of orange. A pretty dish too!

In the end I rejected the Rye and Orange biscuits - a good recipe but it didn't really excite me. As far as I'm concerned the other two recipes are both worthy winners but in the interests of widening participation, since @SatNavSaysStraightOn has already been a challenge judge, I declare the winner as:
@Duck59 with Recipe Orange, beetroot and celery salad.

Over to you @Duck59 to choose the featured ingredient and set a deadline for the next challenge.
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