Anyone playing multiplayer games?


Well-Known Member
29 Nov 2020
Local time
6:28 AM
Sri Lanka
Checked out to see if anyone has asked this before but couldn't find a thread. Does anyone here play any online multiplayer games? I play Pokerist by Kamagames, and Clash of Clans. :) They took my eyesight away but still I brave on. :roflmao:
Yes. I play board games like Scrabble (, Monopoly (, UNO (Homepage - Pizzuno 🍕) and Pictionary (skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game). I stopped playing with strangers (too much drama) but sometimes get to play with my kids.
That depends on the game type too. I used to play Words with Friends, and some people's attitude was too much. lol.
But in Clash of Clans we are actually really good friends from all over the world. In my clan we have Engineers, marines, students, and even refugees. Helping each other and having a chat, sharing a joke, whenever online. Over time we have grown very close, I mean as far as the virtual world permits. Friends on social media too. There are other clans with too much drama but it depends on the clan leader in that game.
I play boardgames online on Boardgamearena, they have a really good selection. Me and some colleagues were meeting once a week to play boardgames before the pandemic, but now we've moved to this online format and we've been doing online tournaments (I always lose btw, I never have the patience to read the game rules and I'm not smart enough to understand the rules as we're playing!).

Back in the day when I was a teen, I was playing Three Kingdoms Online (TKO). My now ex boyfriend pillaged my village when I broke up with him and I never played again LOL
I play boardgames online on Boardgamearena, they have a really good selection. Me and some colleagues were meeting once a week to play boardgames before the pandemic, but now we've moved to this online format and we've been doing online tournaments (I always lose btw, I never have the patience to read the game rules and I'm not smart enough to understand the rules as we're playing!).

Back in the day when I was a teen, I was playing Three Kingdoms Online (TKO). My now ex boyfriend pillaged my village when I broke up with him and I never played again LOL
Hadn't even heard of Boardgamearena. Bookmarked to check it out later.
I remember those days when everyone had a farming plot on facebook. lol. I never had that.
Hadn't even heard of Boardgamearena. Bookmarked to check it out later.
I remember those days when everyone had a farming plot on facebook. lol. I never had that.
Ahahah Farmville, such a sweet reminder! I was totally addicted to that game 15 years ago. I remember going to a friend's house and we were playing on two laptops with three or four different Facebook accounts open so we could send each other stuff for our famrs. A couple friends and family members donated their Facebook passwords so we could play. My dog even had a Facebook account that I created just for that purpose.
Ahahah Farmville, such a sweet reminder! I was totally addicted to that game 15 years ago. I remember going to a friend's house and we were playing on two laptops with three or four different Facebook accounts open so we could send each other stuff for our famrs. A couple friends and family members donated their Facebook passwords so we could play. My dog even had a Facebook account that I created just for that purpose.
Students of all ages would first water the plants and harvest stuff before going to school, and in the evening hurry back home to see what is growing. Farmville got greedy or facebook kicked them I don't know, they started a paid version of the game and lost it all I think.
Used to play Everquest and Everquest 2.

Have now gone back to my 20's-30's roots and am trying to restart my DMing of RPG games.

Have bought a full license for Fantasy Grounds and have got a good amount of material for three/four systems.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition, Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition and Pulp Cthulhu.

For those not in the know Advanced dnd is your typical swords and sorcery role playing game where you defeat monsters and gain treasure and experience.
Traveller is a space/science fiction role playing game where you travel from system to system having adventures. For instance one of the scenarios I have is High and Dry where the Travellers are offered the loan of a starship by the Scout Service. All they have to do is collect it from a nearby system where it was trashed and abandoned by a previous crew. Unfortunately when they get there they find out that the ship was abandoned in the crater of an extinct volcano. Obviously the volcano starts to erupt and they get involved in rescuing the ship, several inhabitants of a nearby town and a brave Vargr who sets out alone in the presidential grav car to rescue her parents who are about to be engulfed by the eruption. Just as they rescue her and her parents the pyroclastic flow hits the ship sending it spinning out of control. Power shuts down, controls are inactive so it is a race against time to get power back and the ship under control.
Call of Cthulhu is horror role playing in the worlds of H P Lovecraft where your investigators try to thwart the plans of eldritch horrors while trying to hold on to their life and sanity.
Pulp Cthulhu is Cthulhu 'ramped up' your investigators are much tougher and not so squishy and have large amounts of luck. Think Indiana Jones, The Mummy or similar action movies.


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