Forum GOD!
My old ipod an old 40 gig classic, no color display, and with the click wheel about the size of a thin cigarette pack. I won it in a raffle, i love it. Tho i have since been given a 1st gen ipod...meaning the first year ever to make ipods...its thick and only can hold 4 gigs...i was given it cause someone heard i liked apple stuff...i'm like "yes please, thank you." Recently i found a ipod touch at the thrift store but it only has 8 gigs of space but hey it can go online via wifi and frankly is like a tiny ipad and it was less than $5 so how could i say no. I love my apple devices.
My wife's Apple because her work pays for her phone and I pad.
I'm a Samsung s8 guy all the way. I do EVERYTHING on my phone. I hate the apple products. My wife says she would prefer a Samsung, but hey, hers is free.