I have visited your blog and have seen your photo. You are so beautiful and definitely a bling, color girl. In my younger days I would have worn those earrings.
In my 30's, 40's and 50's I was a Fashionista. Keep in mind that there was no internet shopping. I shopped sales at high end stores. I made a point of engaging and making friends with the store associates. They knew what I liked and would call me when items of my taste and style would go on sale. In those days associates in nice/high end dress shops worked on commission. Even department stores - Sears, JCPenney, Montgomery Wards, Dillards, Macy - all carried high end lines of women's ware and the associates received commissions on top of their hourly wage. In my day I was Hot Stuff.
I look at myself now and weep. In my day I could walk into a room and have the attention of everyone in the room.
Enjoy your beauty.
Dear Elisabeth,
I am both a fashionista and a recessionista, I like to mix things up although in recent years I have noticed that I am more minimalist in my look.
I am just pleased that you have visited my blog and found my recipes interesting.
I'll tell you a little bit about myself:
When I created my blog (all by myself, it's not perfect at all but that wasn't my goal), everyone advised me to put a photo of myself, which, believe me, I didn't want to do because I said 'it's a site of recipes and of my know-how, not of my face'. In the end, however, I gave in to the advice of those who are more experienced than me and so I tried something simple and natural, a bit like me.
I've never been a fan of attracting attention or being the centre of attention, it makes me very nervous and embarrassed, also because I'm very shy and anxious and insecure in real life and I blush quite easily (Good Lord, nothing else?

). I admit that yes, I have been looked at and been the centre of attention, but not by my choice. I like to dress any way I can and when younger, I was quite far from the 'pretty doll' stereotypes. However, Ido not consider myself nothing special.
Apart from that, what I've always had to point out loudly in general are my work skills, my personality, my goals, which are often considered something superfluous when someone says 'you look pretty, you'll definitely achieve something'. I had to prove more, I had to fight more and yes, I suffered more but in silence, entrenched behind a wall of personal pride. Getting to ask 'sorry, but are you listening to me?' while expounding a thought or a point of view that completely overturns the other's and poses new reasoned questions with a critical sense.
Appearance is not something you choose, but building your character and personality is.
In my work I deal with directors, costume designers, actresses and actors, some women are strikingly beautiful, and also cultured and with a personality that would pave a motorway, yet they have to pass for bimboes not because they are, but because they are forced to do so. It is not a question of feminism or chauvinism, it is a question of closed (and envious?) minds that generate monsters. And they make you apologise for how you are, as if it were a fault.
How many times have I seen women destroyed in their pride because they are guilty of being beautiful.
Elisabeth, as my dad used to say, ' who is beautiful is always beautiful, inside and out'. Life and time can shape us, bend us, but not change who we are'. This may sound trite, but it is not. Love, generosity, empathy and your strength always make you beautiful, as well as the personality you have. When we write to each other in private, it reaches me even more.
I love you, you are a special friend to me even if you are so far away.