Are you a fashionista or a recessionista?

It is almost as rare these days to see a footballer without a beard as to see one without tattoos, though the former are rather more easily removed. For that reason, I have rather a soft spot for James Milner, a Liverpool footballer who is, as far as one can tell, free of body art and facial hair. He almost seems like a man from another age.

Cricketers seem to be going the same way, too. Beards proliferate in an array of styles from those who appear to have taken several months to produce a few wispy tufts to someone like Mark Wood, a fast bowler for England, who has the look of a man who can grow a full beard in about eight minutes.

I'll never forget the day (it was a long time ago) when there was a petrol shortage. I left my car overnight in a carpark. I went to pick it up next morning and noticed the petrol dial was more than low. I drove to the nearest garage and started filling up - before I knew it the forecourt was awash with petrol. Someone had drilled a hole in my petrol tank during the night and drained off all my petrol. How I managed to get to the garage in the first place, I've no idea. Health and Safety dictated that they had to cordon off the petrol station and call the fire brigade. It was all rather embarrassing really! But being surrounded by half a dozen gorgeous hunks made up for it!
Summer (9 months out of the year) Shorts and T-shirts. Tourist season the same except when temps drop into the 40's and 50's, then its jeans and a T-shirt with a jacket.
Neither for me. I wear a uniform to work. I love it lol. As for home. I usually wear whatever I grab from the closet, or what is on the top of the drawer that I'm getting into.

Occasionally my wife will rotate some clothes around so that I wear something different. Of course most of my shirts are poker affiliated lol. She loves that :)
This topic started and died off before I joined, so it's new to me!

Yes, I definitely pay attention to fashion, but it's also (rare for me) an area where I'm comfortable with my own judgment.

Before the pandemic, my normal attire out and about would be:

Dark rinse slim (not skinny) jeans
Dress shirt (solid color or patterned)
Dress hat (or other appropriate headgear)
Leather shoes/boots
Socks (solid or patterned)
Scarf (optional in warmer months)

I also like shoes, and could easily own dozens and dozens, but I try to limit myself, as I have a few pairs of shoes that I've never worn.

I love winter fashions more than summer fashions, basically get to wear more fab clothing. :)

Shirts...I like floral prints, but a bit understated and tasteful. I also like paisley and designs I associate with India and that area of the world (you should see my phone cover).

My wife kiddingly calls me a cross-dresser because I frequently raid her closet for neck scarves, especially in the warmer months (all my scarves are winter scarves).

I also go through long periods where I flirt with a certain "look," and the last couple of years, it's been "Middle-Aged English Man In A British Murder Mystery Set In Some Village Somewhere" - tattersall shirt, wool necktie, sleeveless jumper, flat cap, etc. :laugh:
This topic started and died off before I joined, so it's new to me!
And me, I have always loved clothes. Now I have lost most of the weight I put on I went to see Olga in a light blue linen Calvin Klein shirt, Dark blue Polo shorts and blue Timberland sandals.
I used to love going to Milan for end of season bargains. I doubt I will get down to this weight when I was 49 yrs. Armani linen suit, Saint Laurent silk shirt, Timberland loafers.
And me, I have always loved clothes. Now I have lost most of the weight I put on I went to see Olga in a light blue linen Calvin Klein shirt, Dark blue Polo shorts and blue Timberland sandals.
I used to love going to Milan for end of season bargains. I doubt I will get down to this weight when I was 49 yrs. Armani linen suit, Saint Laurent silk shirt, Timberland loafers.View attachment 44232

More fashionista than an Italian, definitely!
Thank you for reviving this, MypinchofItaly. I missed it the first time round, but it's still very topical. Still, I have to answer based on Before. For work, I wore a variety of dress pants, belt, button-up shirts, dark socks, and high quality shoes. Ties haven't been required since the early 90s, so I only wear those for special occasions. On weekends, I dress like a slob around the house (shorts and T-shirt, regardless of what time of year), but I like to look good when I go out. Usually, that means wearing basically what I wear to work, but swapping out the dress pants for jeans (usually not blue jeans...I have tan jeans and black jeans that I prefer).

I once had the philosophy that I would buy the cheapest thing that I could find that looked good. I figured that no one will know what I paid for it, and that it didn't matter. But, I stopped doing this for shoes some time ago. The rest of your wardrobe rotates depending on how often you wear it, but while I have dozens of shirts, I only have a few pairs of shoes. Discount shoes do not give you your money's worth, since they tend to wear out quickly.

I am definitely a slobonista these days. But, I find myself really cherishing situations where looking good is an option. Sure, I could wear a 3-piece suit to go to shop for groceries, but that's ridiculous. Instead, the few dine-in opportunities that present themselves now have me taking more time than I usually would to look nice. Before, the weekend was a chance to dress down as a break from dressing up throughout the week. Now, the weekend is my chance to take a break from dressing like a slob during the week.
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