Are you ready....

When I became pregnant with DD (she's not Craig's biological child, though is a child of his heart), I had a history of several miscarriages prior, as well as several after. It seems my body didn't like to be pregnant. I actually had a severe bleeding and cramping episode and my doctor thought I had aborted her right before a long holiday weekend. The technology to determine whether she was still viable was still not completely reliable back then in very early pregnancies, so I had an appointment to have a D and C the week following. Well, I didn't have anymore cramping or bleeding episodes in the intervening time, so we decided to take a wait and see approach given my history. Obviously she took. There have been times that I kind of, sort of wish I had gone through with the D and C, but I would have more than likely never met Craig, and probably would have never had a child given my chosen career path before I met DD's father, and obviously would have never had the DGDs.
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I under stand we all have choices, none of my kids were planned but I was in love and we moved in and started raising a family. I was bought up with nothing. My father left home when I was 3 never to be seen. Ever again. My mother took no interest in my sport or school. I was very good at athletics and rugby league. I said to myself my kids would never go through what I did. My kids had great childhoods. I was heavily involved with their sports and schools. I was normally the chairman or president of these clubs. I like to be in charge,lol. Now my son is chairman of his school pta now. My kids are all good people that give back to their community. I think we have done good jobs, considering our ages when we started. Now we enjoy our grandkids. I wouldn't change a thing. But that's me, I understand others views.


Agreed, and understood!
I under stand we all have choices, none of my kids were planned but I was in love and we moved in and started raising a family. I was bought up with nothing. My father left home when I was 3 never to be seen. Ever again. My mother took no interest in my sport or school. I was very good at athletics and rugby league. I said to myself my kids would never go through what I did. My kids had great childhoods. I was heavily involved with their sports and schools. I was normally the chairman or president of these clubs. I like to be in charge,lol. Now my son is chairman of his school pta now. My kids are all good people that give back to their community. I think we have done good jobs, considering our ages when we started. Now we enjoy our grandkids. I wouldn't change a thing. But that's me, I understand others views.


My dad grew up in a dirty unhappy household, his mum didn't bother much with her kids-this turned my dad completely the opposite, very clean and tidy, even though he worked long hours he always had time for us and was a very hands on dad-he sacrificed a lot so that he could give us everything he never had when he was a kid
My dad grew up in a dirty unhappy household, his mum didn't bother much with her kids-this turned my dad completely the opposite, very clean and tidy, even though he worked long hours he always had time for us and was a very hands on dad-he sacrificed a lot so that he could give us everything he never had when he was a kid

He sounds like me, you try to give your kids a better life than you had. Changing the cycle they say. I grew up with a few rough families, their kids are the same, never broke the cycle. Your dad sounds cool.

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