Are Your Cooking and Dining Choices Atrociously Outlandish?

Are Your Cooking and Dining Choices Atrociously Outlandish?

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very lavish and meticulously detailed
Nope, not me. I'm not patient enough for that.

very expensive in ingredients and accompaniments
Thankfully, I don't lean that way (I've never owned saffron, for example), but I will say, if I want something, money usually isn't an object, within reason. There just aren't any ingredients I want that are expensive.

excessive in quantity
No, not really. I have over-produced things before, the worst being a Christmas party where I ended up making something like 30+ appetizers, and enough for every guest to have three of each, and when it was all made and set out, it was apparent I'd just made way too much food, but that was more due to my belief/concern/irrational fear that a guest would ask for the one thing I ran out of, and I'd be embarrassed by it.

Usually, though, it's just enough for leftovers, and I've made a conscious effort to halve more recipes lately, which is working out well so far.

often very creative and spontaneous, incredibly unique, trying alternate ingredients and methods
Not really. I cook almost exclusively from other people's recipes, I have very little desire to "create" one myself, and when I do cook from the hip, so to speak, it's something simple, like last night's meal (brat patty on rye with cheese and fried onions - no recipe needed).

expensive in terms of cooking and serving appliances and utensils, table settings, etc.
Same with the ingredients question. If I want something, money doesn't usually stand in the way, but at this point, my kitchen is kitted out acceptably, so it's not an issue.

For example, I'm getting a new kitchen sink. Looking online, I can pay as little as $109 or as much as $795 for the style of sink I want. If I were to deem the $795 sink to be the one I want, then I'd get it (I won't, though, as I'm not paying that for a 🤬 sink! :laugh:).

- violating all the fears of diets and free radicals, all that stuff about this causes cancer and this will cause you to go blind.
I pay virtually no mind to health/nutrition subjects and live by the "moderation in all things" rule.

rarely eating the same thing more than once in a year or several months, unless it's something very simple that everyone else, normally consumes (like my oats for breakfast).
This has been an issue for me, because I do feel a compulsion to cook all the things I have marked in my cookbooks. I struggle with this a lot, actually, to the point that I'm trying to put together a collection of "standards" and stick to those 75% of the time, but I'm failing miserably.

The joke is often about a drunk coming home, finding his key doesn't fit the door and banging away, waking up his neighbors and accusing his wife of locking him out.
I've actually had something similar happen, when I was single, in the AF, and living in the dorms. They all looked the same! :laugh:

Tract housing is slightly different today. Instead of one basic home design, they mix about four into a cluster neighborhood
Hey, get out of my neighborhood (minus the exorbitant prices you quoted)! :laugh:
Outside of the occasional red meat feast at family gatherings my cooking is generally classic stuff...if you come here, you'll likely get lasagne, or some kind of meat and potatoes dinner...I haven't delved into many new types of cuisines enough to feel confident that I can pull stuff off for a crowd.... we stick to the classics and don't experiment when cooking for company.. Just do what I know and try to make it as good as you can..
Funny, a picture of a dish a lot of people would consider outlandish because of the work involved (and honestly, it was a LOT of work and time, and I would break it up next time) popped up on pictures a year ago today on my phone. I had actually thought about it in the last few days and that it would be nice to have again. It was made for a recipe challenge, eggplant I think.

Tres quesos (3 cheese) stuffed eggplant with salsa escalivada and garlic allioli

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