Around the world in recipe form?

14 Apr 2015
Local time
5:47 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
So I was wondering - and this is probably going to be up to @Shaun & @SatNavSaysStraightOn - I know we already have the ingredient recipe competition, but I think it would be fun if we could do something like an "Around the world via recipes" so that we can learn about some new cultures and cuisines. I was thinking maybe twice a month or so, a new country could be picked, and we could share recipes from that country. It would be a fun way of getting some fresh recipes into our repertoires, but with a bit of a theme so that they're organized in some way.

I love learning about food when I travel, and I think it would be awesome to do something like it on the forum.

Thoughts? :)
This sounds like a great idea! It is nice learning about other countries and their cuisine. Looking forward to see what is decided. :)
This sounds like a great idea! It is nice learning about other countries and their cuisine. Looking forward to see what is decided. :)

Thanks! I'm so glad you like the concept. I was just thinking to myself earlier how fun it is when I try a new country's cuisine! And I guess I just love learning about food and sharing ideas with people, and getting their input too! :) Fingers crossed there is some more interest too! I would be happy to organize it and decide random countries twice a month and I guess we could go from there!
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Yes, that does sound interesing. I bet some of it would be mind blowing. One time a friend from OZ was sharing a recipe for a special cake she makes though and most of the ingredients weren't available here...however, I think they could probably be tracked down online.
Whilst it is a great idea and I would love to do it, I'm not sure that with only 2 responses plus you and I that there is currently enough interest or more to the point people who are willing to start new threads or post up recipes at present and what we would need to actually get it going and working is members willing to put some effort in, research and write about each country.

If more members agree and say they are willing to put the effort in that is needed (and effort sadly means time as well, not something everyone has or is willing to give) then I am more than happy to give it a try.

Would the members who have responded be willing to actually write up some recipes and talk about a country's native meals, culture and people?
I can understand that, for sure! It was one of those ideas that I guess was nice in theory but not necessarily in practice! I could always still post fun recipes I find from different countries in the regional section! :)
Whilst it is a great idea and I would love to do it, I'm not sure that with only 2 responses plus you and I that there is currently enough interest or more to the point people who are willing to start new threads or post up recipes at present and what we would need to actually get it going and working is members willing to put some effort in, research and write about each country.

If more members agree and say they are willing to put the effort in that is needed (and effort sadly means time as well, not something everyone has or is willing to give) then I am more than happy to give it a try.

Would the members who have responded be willing to actually write up some recipes and talk about a country's native meals, culture and people?

I would definitely be interested in doing that. I think it is a great idea. Doing research on other countries, cuisines and their culture would also be a learning experience at the same time. If you decide to do this then you can count me in on participating! :)
I've been hesitating replying to this. I'm always willing to put in time but I'm unsure what we would be doing and whether it would be possible to organise it in any meaningful way. I have real problems with the format of the forum (not the fault of the moderators at all!, )partly because threads just 'disappear' from view. It means that people can post almost anything as a new thread and other threads then disappear off the (visible) radar. Recipes are new threads but so are any questions or even random thoughts that people choose to post as a thread - so it all gets jumbled together with no sense of order. I think if we were to feature a country's recipes we would need a visible part of the website which people would always see when they logged in. I think the recipe challenge suffers from the same issue. I know the featured post 'banner' caused problems and had to be removed, so I don't know what the solution might be. :scratchhead:
Moderator Hat On:
I've moved the discussion regarding visibility to the site support area forum so as not to hijack this thread which I feel deserves not to be side tracked. for those following it
I agree. I really didn't want to sidetrack, just to find a way it could work and that people would see it and join in. I love the idea of featuring a region, culture or country. We have quite a few Eastern European members who have posted fascinating recipes recently, for example.
I often think I need to share some more of my local dishes and at home I am often charged with cooking more North American dishes. That said,the opening suggestion sounds good but I don't know how it would work. All I will say is that I will try to support whatever is brought to the forum.
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