Me to the old me?
30 years ago, I was very limited in what I ate.
20 years go, I started up my own food company, and ended up in all sorts of Gourmet events. I ate oysters, blood sausage, chorizo, tarantula, lemon ants, chapulines - they just got put in my mouth and I ate them. No problem - so the first point is: don´t say no to new food, unless it really, really turns you off ( or you´re allergic).
- Mise en place is the key to serving up good food, on time. you can´t cook something properly unless every ingredient is in front of you.
- Be authentic. If you´re making Mexican food, use real Mexican ingredients. If you´re making Chinese - go to your nearest Chinese grocery and buy the ingredients there. All due respect to the supermarkets, but "own brands" and " ready mixes" are nowhere near the original. The difference between a "curry" made with Joe´s Curry Powder, and a dish made with turmeric, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, cardamoms and cinnamon is immense.
- Use fresh ingredients - always. Tinned, frozen or bottled veg are never even close to fresh.
- If you´re cooking for an event, no matter how small, go like the clappers from the start. You never know what might happen ( and it usually does) to ruin your timeline, and you must never underestimate the time it takes to plate your food.
- When your cooking something for others, think colour, texture, contrast and flavours.
- Taste, taste , taste and season if necessary.