(Formerly Shermie)
Do any of you have or know a child or adult who has this disorder? I do!
One small child in particular, I know who has it. He and his 3 other siblings come over to a friend's house on some weekends. Three boys and a baby girl. This boy is the oldest child of the four and he's five years old.
Anyway, when he's there, and if he gets into something that he should not be doing, the babysitter yells at scolds and spanks him!! Every time that he does something that she does not like, she is on him! We all know that children are supposed to behave and do what is asked of them, but I feel so bad for this little boy! His younger brothers and baby sister may also have ADHD as well, by the way that they act.
They are considered to be special needs children. Of course, I love them all and they are so near & dear to my heart. But the oldest boy, even though he is the oldest, he has captured my heart, and he has a tendency to not stay still, looks for things to get into & he has to be told something at least three or more times. I'd LOVE to work with him and show him that I care. I would NOT treat him badly!!
I don't think that he should be scolded, yelled at or spanked!! He should be talked to and treated like a human being. Not like someone who should be scolded all the time!! She does not really put him in any real pain, but just the thought of him being treated that way makes me mad at her and I feel so bad for him. It is the EMOTIONAL pain that I am worried about!! This cute sweet little boy has a disorder that some people probably won't accept, and so the babysitter probably uses his disorder to constantly chastise and badger him with insults and spankings!!
If I say something, then there will be a big argument, so I keep my mouth shut, but I kindly talk to the boy and explain to him that I know what he is going through and that it is not his fault. I've seen this disorder in many children and even a few adults as well!! I love him and his siblings and want so bad to help them!! They are otherwise very happy & playful most of the time.

One small child in particular, I know who has it. He and his 3 other siblings come over to a friend's house on some weekends. Three boys and a baby girl. This boy is the oldest child of the four and he's five years old.
Anyway, when he's there, and if he gets into something that he should not be doing, the babysitter yells at scolds and spanks him!! Every time that he does something that she does not like, she is on him! We all know that children are supposed to behave and do what is asked of them, but I feel so bad for this little boy! His younger brothers and baby sister may also have ADHD as well, by the way that they act.
They are considered to be special needs children. Of course, I love them all and they are so near & dear to my heart. But the oldest boy, even though he is the oldest, he has captured my heart, and he has a tendency to not stay still, looks for things to get into & he has to be told something at least three or more times. I'd LOVE to work with him and show him that I care. I would NOT treat him badly!!
I don't think that he should be scolded, yelled at or spanked!! He should be talked to and treated like a human being. Not like someone who should be scolded all the time!! She does not really put him in any real pain, but just the thought of him being treated that way makes me mad at her and I feel so bad for him. It is the EMOTIONAL pain that I am worried about!! This cute sweet little boy has a disorder that some people probably won't accept, and so the babysitter probably uses his disorder to constantly chastise and badger him with insults and spankings!!
If I say something, then there will be a big argument, so I keep my mouth shut, but I kindly talk to the boy and explain to him that I know what he is going through and that it is not his fault. I've seen this disorder in many children and even a few adults as well!! I love him and his siblings and want so bad to help them!! They are otherwise very happy & playful most of the time.

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