Baking Disasters (2024)

The sponge cake I baked yesterday.

Did not come out nicely, but will try to save it by putting some fresh plum jam on top and decorations.

Probably a regular tin and parchment paper is what I should have used.


Edited to add the 'repaired' version.

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I make substitutions on the fly before I even make the recipe for basically everything. The fact that I rarely have a disaster in the kitchen has supported my reckless disregard for precision. I still clearly remember an attempt to make a praline apple pie for a holiday gathering that ended up watery. I literally had to tip the pan to pour off the liquid before serving. Then, I took another look at it, and decided to repeat the tipping motion...over the trash bin. We had plenty of dessert without whatever that was. The problem was that I used a praline sauce I created that added too much moisture.

Winging it doesn't work so well for baked things.
I usually avoid the baking threads because the joy went out of baking at the same time as the Coeliacs diagnosis but it was so worth reading for the ‘braidentwistengar’ 😆

I now need to find a suitable gluten free recipe that requires using the braidentwistengar technique asap 😂
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