Recipe Balti Jal Frezi

11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:49 AM
As mentioned in the regional food section, this is a variation of the jal frezi recipe from The Balti Curry Cookbook. Adapted for our personal taste and abridged for ease of typing:

1.5lb (675g) Diced chicken (Or other main ingredient of your choice)
1 tbl sp ghee, or veg' oil
5fl oz (150ml) water or stock
2-3 garlic cloves (though I used more)
1 tbl sp green masala paste *
Thinly sliced onion
diced red pepper
Diced green pepper
2-4 tbl sp fresh, chopped coriander leaves
Squeeze of lemon
Pinch of garam masala
1.5 tsp cumin seed
0.5 tsp lovage seed
0.5 tsp coriander seed.

Stir fry the whole spices for 30 seconds, add the garlic and stir fry for 30 seconds.
Add the masala paste and stir fry for a minute.
Add the onion and fry for 3 minutes.
Add the chicken and fry for 3 minutes
Add the water or stock and bring to a simmer.
Add the remaining ingredients and cook at least until the chicken is cooked through.
Garnish with coriander leaves, and serve.

(* Green masala paste is: 1 tsp soaked fenugreek seed, 6 garlic cloves, 2 tbl sp fresh ginger, 1.5oz fresh mint, 1.5oz fresh coriander leaves, 4 fl oz vinegar, 3 tsp salt, 3 tsp turmeric, 2 tsp chilli powder, 0.5 tsp ground cloves, 1 tsp ground cardamom seed, 4 fl oz veg' oil, 2 fl oz sesame oil. Blitz everything except the oils together, leave to stand for 10 minutes, heat the oil in a wok and fry the paste for about 5 minutes)

I don't think I've ever seen lovage seed for sale, but we grow the plant and I saved a bucket load of seed last year.
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