Recipe Basil Cornbread Muffins

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
1:30 AM
Detroit, USA

My wife's mom found a market with fresh corn, and she asked my wife how much corn she wanted. I thought I heard her say that she wanted a dozen ears of corn, but I misheard her. She said she wanted two dozen ears of corn. Obviously, she likes corn, but she clearly didn't think things through. My kids only eat vegetables if they're deep fried, meaning that three of us need to find a way to eat 8 ears of corn. I didn't use much of it here, and I honestly could have added more, but this is a good use for the corn.


I also have a basil plant, which I decided NOT to plant in my garden this year (it's been brutal this year). I also could have used more basil here, but it did impart a nice flavor.


2-1⁄4 cups flour
3⁄4 cup cornmeal
4-1⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup milk
3/4 cup butter, melted
1 cup corn kernels
1⁄2 cup fresh basil, chopped.


1. Whisk together flour, cornmeal, and baking powder. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, then whisk together with milk and butter. Stir liquid ingredients into solid ingredients until there are no dry spots. Stir in corn kernels and basil until distributed evenly and until just combined.



2. Place 24 cupcake papers in cupcake tins. Distribute mixture evenly between compartments.


3. Bake for 20-22 minutes at 375°F (190°C) until a toothpick can be cleanly removed from the muffins.
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