Recipe Beef Kidney Paprika over Spinach

Mountain Cat

12 Apr 2019
Local time
12:22 AM
Hilltowns of Massachusetts
Entered into the Paprika cookingbites recipe challenge.

Impetus behind this: Well, the paprika. It also became a "Chopped" recipe of sorts, as I had the beef kidneys, the yogurt and the spinach all a-wanting to be used SOON, since my mealtimes here this week are on and off. The prime seasoning is indeed paprika.


Prep Time: 15 minutes.
Marinating Time: 6-24 hours.
Cook Time: 45 minutes.
Rest Time: not essential.
Cuisine: Hungarian?/Offal.
Serves: 2.

Beef Kidney Paprika over Spinach
  • About 1 pound / 450 grams of beef kidney.
  • 3/4 cup / 180 mL whole milk yogurt, plain and unsweetened. (Full-fat coconut yogurt option)
  • 2 teaspoons total paprika (I used 1 teaspoon smoked Spanish hot paprika + 1 teaspoon Hungarian paprika)
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper (I used Trader Joe's Rainbow Peppercorns)
  • a pinch of pink Himalayan salt or sea salt.
  • 2 small onions (about 5 ounces / 150 grams), peeled and coarsely chopped.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of a healthy high-heat vegetable oil (I use avocado).
  • 10 ounces / 280 grams fresh spinach.
So, I cut up the kidney (1- 1.5 inch / 2.5 - 4.0 cm chunks optimal), removed the cortex (that hard white center), discarded that. Made a mix with about 3/4 cup yogurt and a teaspoon each of my two types of paprika - one could also do two teaspoons of the milder Hungarian and leave out the spicy smoked - or if one has a mildly seasoned smoked paprika, that should work as well. Add the pepper and salt. Taste and adjust, keeping in mind that once the kidneys are added and they marinate, this will dilute some.

Marinate the kidneys in this, and refrigerate for 6 - 24 hours.

Occasionally, pull the dish out of the fridge, and stir.

When you are ready to cook, take the onions and sauté until lightly browned (and at least translucent) in a skillet to which you've added your oil and have brought to medium high heat. Ten-fifteen minutes.

Add all the kidney and marinate mixture, and reduce heat, but keep the skillet contents simmering. Stir often. Cook about 25-30 minutes, or until the kidneys no longer run any red. (Beef kidneys are fine medium rare to medium.)

In a steamer, add water below, and add the spinach above.

Timing will depend on whether you are using a gas, induction or regular electric range. Bring the water in the spinach steamer to a boil, then time for about 5 minutes to wilt your leaves. You want to time all this so that the spinach isn't overcooked, but that the kidneys are done. (One can always turn the kidney skillet down to a low heat while the spinach water comes to a boil and then the spinach steams.)

Serve the kidney mixture over the bed of spinach you lay out on a plate.

If you wish, dot with parsley for garnish.
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