Best way to blanch corn


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
7:46 PM
a couple of years ago my sister told me how she blanches cream style corn in a pan in the oven , i tried it and it worked great
this year we are going to cream 600 ears of sweet corn and i think i can do the same thing and save a lot of time by using my 2 electric steam tables , that way we can bring it to near the boiling point 2 pans at a time before cooling it and baging it
we are planning on doing the 600 ears on aug. 2nd afterward i will post pictures of the process, from start to finish
if the corn will be used up within 12-18 months, blanching is of not real use.
I never blanch anymore.
shuck - cut off the cob - freeze.

blanching is aimed at preserving color. might be okay for 4-5 year in the freezer, for shorter use, not needed.
blanching does indeed need to be done , blanching kills bacteria on the corn , it also stops an enzyme that's inside the corn kernals that would otherwise can cause it to lose flavor and texture
i promised pictures but we were so busy we forgott to take picture's of the corn
being blanched but we did manage to take a few pictures of every thing else , we processed 600 ears friday and saturday we got 147 pints from the 600 ears and we are worn out !!

corn 2.jpg

ccorn 1.jpg

corn 4.jpg

corn 5.jpg

fried corn 1.jpg
glad you asked , its made just for creaming corn , it works be spinning the ear of corn at high speed against a set of floating plastic teeth , the teeth rip the corn kernels open , the high speed slings everything off the cob and the tube catches it and lets it drain into the pan , if you look at the picture you can see that i am useing a corded electric drill, thats because a corded drill spins much faster than a cordless and thus it gets the cob clean with nothing left but the cob
i was getting about 1 pint of corn for every 4 ears of corn
glad you asked , its made just for creaming corn , it works be spinning the ear of corn at high speed against a set of floating plastic teeth , the teeth rip the corn kernels open , the high speed slings everything off the cob and the tube catches it and lets it drain into the pan , if you look at the picture you can see that i am useing a corded electric drill, thats because a corded drill spins much faster than a cordless and thus it gets the cob clean with nothing left but the cob
i was getting about 1 pint of corn for every 4 ears of corn
Yes corded stuff always wins!
So this teeth tube thing, is this something you made or something you can buy?
I only ask because it looks useful for making creamed corn.
i bought it from Amazon for i think $ 69 or70 dollars and its worth every penny if you going to do a lot of corn there it comes with an attachment that shucks and silks the corn too
and before someone asks, if i figure it right the corn cost us about $110.00 per pint
thats cheaper than we can buy canned corn and this tastes sooooo much better

i bought it from Amazon for i think $ 69 or70 dollars and its worth every penny if you going to do a lot of corn there it comes with an attachment that shucks and silks the corn too
and before someone asks, if i figure it right the corn cost us about $110.00 per pint
thats cheaper than we can buy canned corn and this tastes sooooo much better

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Very interesting.
the corn comes outa this thing so smooth and creamy you would just have to see it for yourself to believe it , its so good i just had to have some for supper tonight haha
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