Black Tomatoes (advice)

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
11:46 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
This is the first time I've ever grown tomatoes. I thought it made sense to grow a tomato that I couldn't easily buy in the shops so I chose a black variety. I now have the first little fruits. :dance: But (forgive my ignorance) I'm not sure what happens next. Do they get bigger? I assume so otherwise they are just like berries. And how do I tell when they are ripe? They are black already so won't change colour...

black krim and purple cherokee are the usual suspects - do you know what variety you are growing?
yes, they will get bigger
yes, they will 'change color' - not to a bright red, but in that direction
I'm in the UK so maybe different types. I really should know which type. :oops: I know its not the ones you mention. Will try to find out.

How long does it generally take before they are ready to pick?
The little "leaves" on the tomato stem on our Everglades tomatoes (about dime-size, bigger than a blueberry, but smaller than a raspberry) are in proportion to the tomato. If that holds true for all tomatoes, I'd guess yours should get a bit bigger. I looked up Black Prince and it said about 2 inches. It looks like they also change color like @CookieMonster noted.
The little "leaves" on the tomato stem on our Everglades tomatoes (about dime-size, bigger than a blueberry, but smaller than a raspberry) are in proportion to the tomato. If that holds true for all tomatoes, I'd guess yours should get a bit bigger. I looked up Black Prince and it said about 2 inches. It looks like they also change color like @CookieMonster noted.

Thank. I will wait and hope. I'm just pleased I actually got a tomato fruit really!
@morning glory
Do you know the name of the tomato variety? I think there is a black cherry tomato and 2 or 3 medium sized varieties. If the fruit is hard it is not ripe.
They are beautiful and will look amazing on a plate.
I grow Black Krim. The skin has black striations but is not the true black of your beauties.
Did you plant seeds or starts? Seed packs will have the name of the variety on the package. Starts usually have a tag in the container
I would like to know the variety to include in next year's planting.
If you are looking for visually appealing and flavorful varieties try Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra and Striped German. All are heirloom tomatoes- very flavorful and beautiful.
Your tomatoes will be ripe when they give with a gentle squeeze. Smell them. A ripe tomato will smell like a tomato.
Can't say about timing. Your climate is so different from mine.
I looked up Black Prince. They will get larger and will not be true black
The top will be black shading to a brownish red bottom.
Can't wait to see the mature fruit
I asked the wife earlier if she knew of black tomatoes, she said she saw them in the nursery last year, they didn't tempt her. Tbh I don't know how they taste.

Did you plant seeds or starts? Seed packs will have the name of the variety on the package. Starts usually have a tag in the container

It was a little plant when I bought it. I'm sure it did have a tag in the pot but it must have got lost when it got moved to a bigger pot. If I can track down the order I can find out what they are - but I can't even remember where I ordered it from!

Your tomatoes will be ripe when they give with a gentle squeeze. Smell them. A ripe tomato will smell like a tomato.
Can't say about timing. Your climate is so different from mine.
I looked up Black Prince. They will get larger and will not be true black
The top will be black shading to a brownish red bottom.
Can't wait to see the mature fruit

Its been a steady 22 to 25 C (around 68 F to 77 F) for weeks now. Cooler at night. I expect they will ripen more slowly than they would in Louisiana. I will post more photos as they get bigger.

Thanks @ElizabethB.
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I asked the wife earlier if she knew of black tomatoes, she said she saw them in the nursery last year, they didn't tempt her. Tbh I don't know how they taste.


I've eaten black tomatoes before. They just taste like tomatoes! I just love the dramatic colour. It will be great on food photos...
Black Prince originated in Russia - and is suited for cooler climates. or so they say...
open pollinated, indeterminate, mid-season producing.
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