Boats and cars

I'm not a fan of the late model Stangs. One of my customers who is very rich holidayed in Vegas. He told me he got drunk and bought a brand new mustang, about 10 years ago. Second generation owner of the company. I dealt with his father before him. Great down to earth family.


I drove 2 2020 Ford/Shelby GT350s back in December. A dealer I do work for was hoarding them. I shot a few for the Barrett-Jackson Auction. They were pretty impressive, and I got some alone time with them, so I gave them a workout.

I don't like the new GT500s. All automatics. The GT350s are all manuals.

My favorite new Mustang is the Bullitt. Very clean, no scoops or stripes. Dark green. Throwback wheels. Subtle. Drives great. with a six-speed manual, of course. I assume you know the history of the Bullitt?

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I drove 2 2020 Ford/Shelby GT350s back in December. A dealer I do work for was hoarding them. I shot a few for the Barrett-Jackson Auction. They were pretty impressive, and I got some alone time with them, so I gave them a workout.

I don't like the new GT500s. All automatics. The GT350s are all manuals.

My favorite new Mustang is the Bullitt. Very clean, no scoops or stripes. Dark green. Throwback wheels. Subtle. Drives great. with a six-speed manual, of course. I assume you know the history of the Bullitt?

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I've gotten lazy and I prefer auto now. Have you seen the film ford v Ferrari? I asked on another car site and got bad vibes? It's showing here at the end of the month.

I've gotten lazy and I prefer auto now. Have you seen the film ford v Ferrari? I asked on another car site and got bad vibes? It's showing here at the end of the month.


Yes. I hesitated watching it, but eventually did, and I liked it. I knew Carroll Shelby. Mat Damon would not have been my choice to play him, but the movie was good. The history was correct, as I remember it. It's hard to say. Shelby had his own version of the truth, and you just got used to it.

I've gotta' get some work done on my left knee soon, if I want to keep using a clutch. If I get caught in stop-and-go Dallas traffic, it starts to get to me. I have a hard time getting up the stairs in my house anymore, so it's time to do something.

Yes. I hesitated watching it, but eventually did, and I liked it. I knew Carroll Shelby. Mat Damon would not have been my choice to play him, but the movie was good. The history was correct, as I remember it. It's hard to say. Shelby had his own version of the truth, and you just got used to it.

I've gotta' get some work done on my left knee soon, if I want to keep using a clutch. If I get caught in stop-and-go Dallas traffic, it starts to get to me. I have a hard time getting up the stairs in my house anymore, so it's time to do something.


Reviews I got had bbc and sbc parts in a ford workshop, nit picking? My wife's family have bad hips so I kinda feel for ya. Wife's had double hip, son a hip, daughter two hips. Me I'm 100% . Knees I'm told are tricky? :)

Reviews I got had bbc and sbc parts in a ford workshop, nit picking? My wife's family have bad hips so I kinda feel for ya. Wife's had double hip, son a hip, daughter two hips. Me I'm 100% . Knees I'm told are tricky? :)


Movies always cut corners. I just take that in stride, as long as the story is basically right.

I won't need a knee replacement. I'm figuring some Arthroscopic repairs, at worst. I've had on and off problems with that knee for 20 years. It is work related. It is just now becoming an all the time problem. Mostly climbing stairs.

Movies always cut corners. I just take that in stride, as long as the story is basically right.

I won't need a knee replacement. I'm figuring some Arthroscopic repairs, at worst. I've had on and off problems with that knee for 20 years. It is work related. It is just now becoming an all the time problem. Mostly climbing stairs.


My b.i.l had/has knee problems, he was a carpet layer, using knees for the carpet stretcher. Not good.

Movies always cut corners.
Back in the day.This was one of our prop cars, the average punter would not recognize the flaws. Because we were in between Liverpool and Manchester the number plate was worth more than the car.
I have been very fortunate as a professional car photographer. I have driven cars I never would have driven if not for my profession. Ferrari Daytona Spyder. AC Cobras. Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. All million dollar cars. I got to drive them alone, on the streets of DFW.

I've made some good friends. Some rich guys are a$$hats, but others are great guys. The guy with the cars mentioned above just hands me the keys, and tells me to "bring it back when you're done."

One year at the RM Auction in Monterey, I'm walking around with a good friend of mine, and we bump into a friend who owns about 100 cars. Some of them very rare. He says, you gotta' see what I just bought. He takes us into the RM Auctions parking garage, and it is an original Ford GT40. IIRC, he paid about 8-million for it. We look at it for awhile, and he suddenly asks, "Do you guys want some ice cream?" And, he takes us out for ice cream. One of my favorite people.

Another guy I met through my work is a guy who does total restorations on Porsche 356s. His speedsters sell for record prices. When I shoot his cars, he picks me up at the airport, I stay at his house, he and his wife feed me, and he and I sit and sip premium spirits, and talk cars for hours.

Covid-19 is killing me, as far as business, and prices for photography were already falling fast. But I can't complain too much, because I've driven some amazing cars because of what I do.

I have been very fortunate as a professional car photographer. I have driven cars I never would have driven if not for my profession. Ferrari Daytona Spyder. AC Cobras. Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. All million dollar cars. I got to drive them alone, on the streets of DFW.

I've made some good friends. Some rich guys are a$$hats, but others are great guys. The guy with the cars mentioned above just hands me the keys, and tells me to "bring it back when you're done."

One year at the RM Auction in Monterey, I'm walking around with a good friend of mine, and we bump into a friend who owns about 100 cars. Some of them very rare. He says, you gotta' see what I just bought. He takes us into the RM Auctions parking garage, and it is an original Ford GT40. IIRC, he paid about 8-million for it. We look at it for awhile, and he suddenly asks, "Do you guys want some ice cream?" And, he takes us out for ice cream. One of my favorite people.

Another guy I met through my work is a guy who does total restorations on Porsche 356s. His speedsters sell for record prices. When I shoot his cars, he picks me up at the airport, I stay at his house, he and his wife feed me, and he and I sit and sip premium spirits, and talk cars for hours.

Covid-19 is killing me, as far as business, and prices for photography were already falling fast. But I can't complain too much, because I've driven some amazing cars because of what I do.

Dream job! Are you responsible for detailing the cars prior to filming, or does the client arrange that?
Dream job! Are you responsible for detailing the cars prior to filming, or does the client arrange that?

I don't wash cars. I will dust them off, or pick some lint off of the carpet, if needed, but the car's owner is responsible for getting the cars ready for me to photograph. Basically, I'll do last minute touch ups, but it takes hours to properly "detail" a car.

I've shot some dirty cars. The owners didn't want to pay to have the cars detailed until just before the auction. I once shot a Dodge muscle car, with the 440 "six-pack" engine, and when I went to shoot the engine bay, there was a $%^&# rat's nest and rat poop on the intake manifold. Seriously? I'm not cleaning that!

I have been very fortunate as a professional car photographer. I have driven cars I never would have driven if not for my profession. Ferrari Daytona Spyder. AC Cobras. Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. All million dollar cars. I got to drive them alone, on the streets of DFW.

I've made some good friends. Some rich guys are a$$hats, but others are great guys. The guy with the cars mentioned above just hands me the keys, and tells me to "bring it back when you're done."

One year at the RM Auction in Monterey, I'm walking around with a good friend of mine, and we bump into a friend who owns about 100 cars. Some of them very rare. He says, you gotta' see what I just bought. He takes us into the RM Auctions parking garage, and it is an original Ford GT40. IIRC, he paid about 8-million for it. We look at it for awhile, and he suddenly asks, "Do you guys want some ice cream?" And, he takes us out for ice cream. One of my favorite people.

Another guy I met through my work is a guy who does total restorations on Porsche 356s. His speedsters sell for record prices. When I shoot his cars, he picks me up at the airport, I stay at his house, he and his wife feed me, and he and I sit and sip premium spirits, and talk cars for hours.

Covid-19 is killing me, as far as business, and prices for photography were already falling fast. But I can't complain too much, because I've driven some amazing cars because of what I do.


I've been lucky as well, dealing with gold miners on the west coast, some of the most laid back guys I've ever met. I was in a pub over there one night about 20 years ago, about 20 drinking in the bar , about 15 were millionaires. In jeans and rough shirts. I still friends with many even now. Some used to use me to help out, driving a half million dollar excavator. One owner had a mine in hokitika but lived in Chch. His home is in the rich part of Chch, merivale. He bought his next door property, flattened it and built a tennis court. Who does that??

Okay car lovers, I had to post this video. Ferrari 458 Italia, at my favorite track, Laguna SECA, driven by one of my favorite drivers, Randy Pobst. I've driven two of these. The first time I drove one, it nearly made my head expode. It was the first Ferrari with the dual clutch 7-speed gearbox. Paddle shifter. Hit the paddle up, and you went up a gear in a fraction of a second, full throttle. Hit the paddle down, and the car automatically rev matched, in a fraction of a second. All of the sudden, you glance at the speedo, and you are going 100 mph -- on a 35 mph street! Knocked my socks off. When I got out of the car, my pulse rate was probably 150 beats per minute.

So, if you like cars, watch this video WITH THE SOUND TURNED UP ALL THE WAY. 9,000 RPM of pure Ferrari singing. Yes cars can sing, and Ferraris can sing soprano.


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