Bullying is a learnt behavior from parents or guardians .. If a parent is bullied, it is copied by the child and children follow in the foot steps of parents, whether, one likes to admit this or not, it is proven ..
Mobbing is dominating but at the work place verses school and maybe handled without the physical abuse ..
Ugly and violent, none the less ..
This tends to happen in large corporations where there is a tremendous amount of competition and some small group want to control a department .. Thus, they use threats and dominating tatics to control the workers in their section .. Or a Manager who is a dictator .. And dictates to those under him or her ..
Mobbing can be a form of sexual harrassement as well .. Where a male boss tries to control and dominate a female worker to go to bed with him ..
Changing Jobs is highly recommended ..
One can also confidentially, contact the President or CEO of a Company to reveal the activities .. The President can then send a consultant to view the department and see what is going on and he or she also could visit the department and view the department´s activities.
This depends on the Company and in 1 case I read about, there was proof of an older case with same boss, so the President was very empathetic to the Young lady complaining and decided to investigate the situation and move the Young lady to his department due to a maternity leave where she was able to substitute for a period of time ..
Bullying is a learnt behavior from parents or guardians .. If a parent is bullied, it is copied by the child and children follow in the foot steps of parents, whether, one likes to admit this or not, it is proven ..
Mobbing is dominating but at the work place verses school and maybe handled without the physical abuse ..
Ugly and violent, none the less ..
This tends to happen in large corporations where there is a tremendous amount of competition and some small group want to control a department .. Thus, they use threats and dominating tatics to control the workers in their section .. Or a Manager who is a dictator .. And dictates to those under him or her ..
Mobbing can be a form of sexual harrassement as well .. Where a male boss tries to control and dominate a female worker to go to bed with him ..
Changing Jobs is highly recommended ..
One can also confidentially, contact the President or CEO of a Company to reveal the activities .. The President can then send a consultant to view the department and see what is going on and he or she also could visit the department and view the department´s activities.
This depends on the Company and in 1 case I read about, there was proof of an older case with same boss, so the President was very empathetic to the Young lady complaining and decided to investigate the situation and move the Young lady to his department due to a maternity leave where she was able to substitute for a period of time ..