Recipe Butter Croissants

2019-02-05 18.48.25.jpg
You have no idea how happy this makes me feel. Its not as if its a 'me' thing as its not my recipe. But I'm just so pleased it worked. I must be getting soppy (not my style, normally). :happy:
I just shaped the butter for another batch of these earlier. Among other things, I'll be making "pigs in blankets" with all-beef hot dogs, mustard and cheese with some of the dough. More pain au chocolat as well.
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I once tried to make those. They didn't come out right. To me, croissants & puff pastry are the two hardest things to make!!
I once tried to make those. They didn't come out right. To me, croissants & puff pastry are the two hardest things to make!!
Croissants are on my list to make, but probably just the once, just to see if I can do it.

When I do, I'm using this video as a guide. Watch it, Shermie, it might make you want to give it a go!

Its not that difficult - you simply need to follow instructions. I do swear by the PH recipe in the top post - you do need high fat content butter for success although I have successfully made vegan croissants using Tomor margarine. They weren't shaped quite as well as the butter ones nor as flakey:

I once tried to make those. They didn't come out right. To me, croissants & puff pastry are the two hardest things to make!!

They look like they require a lot of patience. Not one of my greatest talents.

I love good Croissants, with butter and jelly and a good cup of coffee. I'm not a big fan of pain au chocolat. There is a restaurant called la Madeleine near me that makes awesome french breads. I go there from time to time for their French Country Breakfast.


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When we lived in Minneapolis, we used to go to the Sofitel for breakfast Christmas morning, and part of that included a big basket of fresh-baked breads and pastries, including croissants.
Best I've had was in sacre Coeur in Paris. We get ok ones here but never the same as those. I make a dessert with croissant here, I rip about 4 up and add a brûlée custard and chunks of chocolate. It's very very nice.

Well, I got 6 pigs in blankets, learning after the first couple that I needed to cut the dough a bit smaller than needed, then roll out so dough is a bit thinner and the rectangle is the correct size to wrap. The rest were 4 pain au chocolat and 7 small croissants.
The top right are 3 of the pigs in blankets I made. The largest 1 is before I realized I needed to roll the dough thinner. There was our homemade mustard and a slice of colby cheese, besides the all beef hot dog inside.

Top left pain au chocolate logs, 4. The bottom is, obviously, small croissaints.
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