Changes: Are you changing your job? Relocating? Going Vegetarian ?

I've found that I need those things, plus a twitter account, and a pinterest account, and I need to cross-post/cross-link things to all those places when I do something. Fortunately, the web hosting service makes it pretty easy to link to them.

Yes my web hosting service does the same. I also like to post something else besides food/recipes mostly on Instagram.

Another way to go is to créate a 100 megabytes digital platform magazine of 99 pages or less bi monthly or monthly via season ..

This way, you receive a Google Analysis verses just Facebook ..

Good luck ..

That's a very good suggestion @Francesca
At the moment I have to modify some settings on mine, again,some technical problems with connections on MyPinch..But it's a good thing: too much visits :rolleyes:
Back tp the question. No major changes other than applying for Medicare - age 65 in February. I rather like my boring life. Cook year round, garden spring, summer and fall. Periodically sew or do craft stuff. Visit with family and friends. Visit and participate in the CookingBites forum and my gardening forum. Read. I am some what of a slug. My thing for the upcoming year is to attend and enjoy performances of the symphony and plays, musicals, dance, both locally produced and Broadway road shows. Visit local museums. Lafayette would probably be classified as a medium sized city. Fortunately we have the amenities of a large city. I need to get off of my lazy butt and take advantage of what is in my own back yard. George usually uses his vacation time for hunting trips. We are talking about an actual vacation this year. Not sure where or how. I am all for a cruise. I love being waited on hand and foot. Bring me food, bring me drink. Book a private tour of the ship and or a Chef's Table dinner. Wine tasting, beer tasting, art library seminar. Regional history seminar. Then custom tours in the ports of call. Forget the tourist stuff. I find all kinds of crazy things to do. Who knows. We are also talking about a road trip through the western states. I would like to visit Manhattan with George. He has never experienced Manhattan. BTW - you do not visit Manhattan - it is an experience. So who knows what we will do. I am set on doing something special this year.

I agree with you about Manhattan 100 % .. It is an unforgettably amazingly astounding experience ..

A cruise sounds incredible too, especially a Mediterranean one !

Lafayette sounds like a lovely small city .. Pleased to hear, that it has a strong performing arts culture ..

Well, all my best for a wonderful weekend headed our way ..
@Francesca :thankyou:

Unfortunately a Mediterranean cruise is out of the question. Western and eastern Caribbean are the easiest to book. I really want to do an Alaskan cruise. A Mississippi River cruise is also a viable alternative.
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