Interesting TedTalk on American Chestnut history, the blight, and efforts to bring them back...
I like to at least wear underpants, in case I drop one in my lap.I rather like my sprouts nude.
Chinese chestnuts (which are generally roasted)
Thankfully they are easily available here both fresh and jarred plus the unsweetened puree is available year round along with vacuum sealed chestnuts, but fresh is my preferred.
Are these more or less the same as the ones we get in the UK? They look quite similar.
ChestnutsChestnuts , can't say I've ever seen them sold here. Can't say I know anyone with s tree either?? That pic of the guy selling roasted looks like I would like them.
Elm trees were wipe out here by Dutch elm disease, but scientist developed new species of elms that are resistant to the disease -- I have one in my front yard.
But, I guess they haven't been able to do the same with chestnuts -- yet.