Childhood Christmases

3 Jul 2014
Local time
4:10 PM
When I was a child, there was something magical about Christmas. The gifts, mostly toys, were a big thing for me and my siblings. Since we believed that Santa Claus would be out on Christmas eve night delivering gifts, we would be in bed very early on that night. Going to early morning mass was another important event at this time of year, and was always looked forward to. I can remember the whole family spending the day at my grandmother's home, and the adults would all be in the kitchen 'cooking up a storm.' My siblings, cousins, and I, were too busy playing with our toys and games to be taken up with what was going on in the kitchen.

These days, I also appreciate receiving as well as giving gifts, but the family get-together and the sharing of a Christmas meal together mean a whole lot more to me these days. Still high on the list of things to do at this time is attending church.

What do you remember most about your childhood Christmases?
School Nativity Plays. Getting up later(around 5am).

Proper snowfalls, for here at least, of three foot at least. Once tunnelled out the side door where it had drifted between the two houses.
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Christmas was magical for me as a kid too. I used to love sitting next to the tree looking for presents with my name on them and just trying to imagine what was inside the packages. My dad and I used to go get our tree from a local farm and I would get a candy cane and hot apple cider. It was a lot of fun. Christmas is now about being with family and the ones you love. It gets a little depressing at times with how consumer based the holidays are these days.
I used to love sitting next to the tree looking for presents with my name on them and just trying to imagine what was inside the packages.

I used to like trying to figure out what was in my Christmas packages too. I liked the mysterious-looking ones the best. Strangely enough, even though I am now a grown person, I still like trying to imagine what could be inside the wrapping paper. When it is time for unwrapping the gifts, that is the time for a lot of surprises.
I remember the Christmas concerts at church, the school concerts, the smell of turkey cooking while we opened our presents, waking mom and dad up early in the morning to let them know that Santa had arrived. I remember trying so hard to stay awake so I could see Santa but it never happened. I just remember all the magic about it. I always enjoyed the huge family get togethers and the awesome fun. We all had so much fun together. Now that Mom and Dad are no longer with us and our family has been divided since there death, Christmases are not at the same. I have a quiet Christmas now. I do get together with my children and grandchildren but it is different from the large Christmas get togethers that we use to have.
Funnily enough I don't so much remember the toys but the Christmas get togethers. And the food! My late grandma was a wonderful cook and I think that's the thing I look back on most fondly. Weird for a kid to remember that side of things, I guess!
I remember feeling excited the following morning after Christmas eve. I would rush downstairs to see my stockings if they were already filled with lots of goodies from Santa. I lost my interest when I figured that it was my parents who actually made my wishes fulfilled. That is not bad but I really believed that there was a real Santa who visits our home every Christmas eve.
I remember feeling excited the following morning after Christmas eve. I would rush downstairs to see my stockings if they were already filled with lots of goodies from Santa. I lost my interest when I figured that it was my parents who actually made my wishes fulfilled. That is not bad but I really believed that there was a real Santa who visits our home every Christmas eve.
So who's NORAD tracking then?
Well, they were filled with family..and always involved a big meal, and lots of toys of course. We would visit my one set of grandparents in the morning and the second set in the afternoon. This involved lots of eating and playing with my cousins..when I was younger...We used to always go to a major Xmas party on XMas eve as well...where I saw extended family..Miss those days...Christmas just isn't the same.
We were never allowed presents till after the queens speech,
The whole of Christmas was more religious
I was very young when my grandfather died so grandma stayed with us over Christmas. On the eve she would take us into town to see the decorated windows and light displays, she slept on the sofa and we used to get up very early and curl up under the covers with her with just the tree lights on, those days were magical and I remember the fun and laughter we had.
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