Christmas 2019 - Misc

We received this card today and it made me chuckle.

Looks wonderful, we love Christmas markets!
If you love Christmas markets then I can heartily recommend a visit to Cologne :okay: I've visited many Christmas markets over the years in Austria, the UK and Germany and can honestly say that Cologne is by far the best one I've ever been to. Actually, that's not quite true....Cologne doesn't have just one has 6 :woot:of varying sizes and each one is has it's own unique atmosphere. My second choice would be Vienna, sadly the UK ones pale in comparison.
If you love Christmas markets then I can heartily recommend a visit to Cologne :okay: I've visited many Christmas markets over the years in Austria, the UK and Germany and can honestly say that Cologne is by far the best one I've ever been to. Actually, that's not quite true....Cologne doesn't have just one has 6 :woot:of varying sizes and each one is has it's own unique atmosphere. My second choice would be Vienna, sadly the UK ones pale in comparison.
Thanks, we haven't been to Cologne, but that's how we found Munich - several different markets and each with their own theme (big traditional market, a couple of smaller traditional ones, a medieval market, a same-sex oriented market, etc). We've been to the markets in Munich three times, I think, and our favorite one is there - nothing particular to recommend it except that it's a traditional market, has everything the main one downtown has, just on a smaller scale, and is right around the corner from our usual hotel. It's the one in the Haidhausen neighborhood.

We've been to two in Vienna, those were fine, and two in Prague, and two (I think) in Salzburg. We've also been to markets in Passau, Bratislava, Linz, Krems (unexpectedly charming), Budapest, London, Chicago, Carmel Indiana (which is as good as any, minus the fact that it's not in Europe :)), and the two we have in Cincinnati (only one this year :()

As much as I love the UK, I do have to say that the two markets we've been to in London (two different years as well), didn't quite scratch the itch. They were ok, but lacking a certain "old world" charm, I guess. Rather bland and blah, really. Maybe that's intentional, sort of as a way to differentiate from the German ones (meaning, they didn't look like German ones and maybe that's what they were going for as a way to stand out).

I'd like to see the ones in Paris, as they're supposed to be unique that way as well, and up until several days ago, we were planning to go, but with all the striking going on in Paris, we backed out and now are glad we did. The wife had a couple of clients there and it's been a mess getting them home.
By and large, I agree, but I am fine with (and use) slow fade flashing lights outside. A gentle twinkle is fine, too. Inside, typically no flash.
I don't want lights, interior or exterior, to look like I'm advertising motel space, or something.

On our tree, we have one string of white mini "base" lights, and every fifth one gently fades in and out. On top of that are multicolored C9's that are steady. That tiny bit of twinkle makes all the difference.

I do like slow fade and twinkle :thumbsup:
When we go out to vote this evening I will take my phone and see if I can get any pics or mini movies of the local houses, some of them look really good
The Austrian Christkindl markets will always hold a special place in my heart - Graz, Vienna & Salzburg are where I first experienced a proper Christmas market back when I was a student on my year abroad. Happy memories :) You know I'd totally forgotten about Prague! We had a lovely time there 10 years or so ago, but I think I prefer their Easter market than the Christmas one - similar kind of setup (if a little smaller) but much more relaxed and less crowded. The main difference is that the glühwein is replaced by pivo and the stalls sell Easter decorations rather than Christmas ones.

I've heard the Christmas markets in Munich are good - sounds like a similar setup to Cologne. Its just a shame that its a bit too far for us to drive from the tunnel just for a few nights away (hubby won't fly) otherwise we'd love to return there for a Christmas visit.

As much as I love the UK, I do have to say that the two markets we've been to in London (two different years as well), didn't quite scratch the itch. They were ok, but lacking a certain "old world" charm, I guess. Rather bland and blah, really. Maybe that's intentional, sort of as a way to differentiate from the German ones (meaning, they didn't look like German ones and maybe that's what they were going for as a way to stand out).
I agree that in general the Christmas markets in the UK aren't great - we don't bother going to any of the London ones any more. Apart from Lincoln (which has been going since the early 80s) most UK markets are fairly recent imports - they only really took off here around 20 years ago. The best one I've been to in the UK was in Manchester, but its got nothing on a proper one. To be honest I've not heard particularly great things about Christmas markets in France, except in Alsace (Strasbourg is supposed to be good) - they're really a Germanic tradition so that probably makes sense.

One thing I noticed last week in Cologne was that in comparison to UK markets, the German ones seem to have a greater proportion of food and drink outlets and there's always an area with standing tables to rest your cup - its a totally different atmosphere.
When I was a kid the tree lights were a mix of red, blue, green, a warm glow of colour-they seem to be out of fashion now as most use white or gold.
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