Christmas 2022

I think Mr. and Mrs. Tasty got to the UK just a little too early. They could have saved some money.

It and the euro were both quite low against the dollar while we were there, so we felt pretty good that way. We’d lucked out the same during a low spot in 2015 when we were in Europe.
No malice intended TVC :oops:
Non considered. The upside of the chaos over here is that some of the right wing press are finally coming round to admitting that Brexit is a failure. Obviously it is the fault of the Conservatives, and nothing to do with their biased campaigning and subsiquent support for it of course. Anyway, it's a start on the road back to sanity.
Tonight’s Christmas movie:


This is a proper movie, not a Hallmark one, with one of my favorite character actors, M. Emmet Walsh. He’s always good.
Also, I can't decide what to have for the main meal this year. Sometimes I go for a roast with all the trimmings, sometimes something completely different like a plate of ribs and wings. To cut out all the faff of shopping at various places to get the best stuff I am thinking of this. Lazy I know, but we had their Valentines meal box a couple of years ago and it was really good.

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A lot of restaurants started doing this kind of thing during lockdown, and many persisted. Do you not have similar where you are?
We have a few restaurants that do something like this, but around here, it's more common for the grocery stores to do it, and the various items generally just need to be reheated, and they include a sheet with a timeline, which is pretty helpful on the day.
I am hoping that I will be tasked with Christmas dinner this year. That way, we will actually have good food. No dried out ham. No canned -- stuff. Real food, cooked with love.

You just have to say you’re doing it, like it’s already decided. Don’t give anyone an option.
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