Christmas competitions - Do you take part in them?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
2:43 PM
At this time of year we usually hear about Christmas competitions which many stores are offering shoppers, where you can win any variety of prizes including cash. You have to spend a certain amount of money to participate in these competitions. The prizes are usually quite attractive and these competitions tend to lure people to these stores. Sometimes you are given forms to fill out, or you can write your name and address at the back of the bill and drop it in the box provided, hoping to be among the winners.

Do you take part in a lot of Christmas competitions at this time of year, only a few competitions here and there, or none at all? I have taken part in a few over the years, but have never been lucky to win anything. I suppose most countries have this sort of thing going on at this time.
I do enter some of them, but I am very choosy as to which ones I do enter.

That said, I have just one a competition this week. Well I was one of several who won and I will see one of my photographs on the Ordnance Survey maps next year. Ordnance Survey do the mapping for our entire country and each area has its own map. This particular series is divided into 258 maps (if I recall correctly) and I will now have my photo on the front of one of those maps (plus credited to me, a free copy of the map and 12months free online mapping which unlimited print outs and the likes... so sometimes it is worth entering these competitions, but not often.

A few years ago I won a Christmas competition to make chocolate truffles by hand. It was a day's course which was a hands on, make your own and hosted by a famous chocolatier who makes very expensive chocolates. So sometimes you get lucky... but not often I have to admit.
That sounds interesting. We don't have those types of competitions around here but if we did I would definitely take part in them. I probably would never win because I have entered many contests and competitions over the years and have yet to be lucky enough to win one. I know other people who are always winning something it seems.
I know other people who are always winning something it seems.

Yes, there are some people who always seem to get lucky when it comes to these kind of competitions. Some of the prizes are as big as winning a trip overseas, winning a cruise, or winning free groceries for a whole year. But you first have to spend a certain amount of money in order to qualify for the competition in the first place. I have not participated in a competition for some time now, but I do not mind trying my luck every now and then.
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