Christmas - do you love it or hate it?

Two of my neighbors have their lights up and on. YES!!!
Which has eff-all to do throwing up a tree, getting some prezzies, and eating lots of gingerbread. :)

I'm a big ol' atheist, after all, so the Christian part of Christmas...meh, makes a nice story, but that's about it for me. No reason for me to throw the baby out with the bath water.
I don't really like Christmas or any other holidays. I don't care about the decorating or any of it. I went through the motions for the kids when they were young, but when they turned into teenagers I started giving them gift cards or cash instead of presents, and now as adults in times of COVID-19 I asked them what they want and it will arrive at their doorsteps via UPS, FedEx, or similar.

I am agnostic, not an atheist...the Bible is a history book with a good bit of truth I think, but also lots of exaggerations and embellishments. IMO.
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