Legendary Member
My daughter is back at work tomorrow too. She's a teacher, and one of my granddaughters still goes to the same school. She's got her mock GCSEs starting on Wednesday, so she's spent most of their Christmas holidays revising
The other one was back at work on 27 December, so all in all I haven't seen hardly anything of either of the girls 
but Ricci (my step-grandson) was there for the second Christmas running. I don't see much of him either because our stays do not normally coincide due to lack of space, but a couple of extra bedrooms have materialised since the last time I was at the house and one of them was fit enough for him to sleep in. He is back at work tomorrow too, but I think my son-in-law is going back tomorrow to finish off a house clearance and deep clean and then will have a couple of more days off to work on the house (or get over the house clearance - apparently that series they have on TV is nothing compared to the house he and his mum are sorting out