

Well-Known Member
25 Apr 2021
Local time
3:37 PM
North Ohio
I like XP. This one has Vista which is inferior but runs well enough. I read that XP still has 11% of the market, Win 10 has 13%. That doesn't seem so much the rage especially when they were giving it away for free.

I am going to build one more XP box and this one will have all I have. I have software to record music, (128 channel record and post mixing) two very good graphic programs, couple of media players, sofftware to make government document and the graphic software is good enough to modify existing documents. It feeds my LASER printer which is capable of doing watermarks.

This wil be built on literally the newest board that can run XP, and I got the disk. It will likely have 3GB ram, XP can only take 3.3 so... Multiple hard drives and the swap file moved off the boot drive. (makes it faster, as if it needs it)

Last one I had ran like lightning, alas after about 12 years the mobo went down for the count. But it fed my stereo in the basement, burned disks. I recorded a friend's R2R tapes on it. Did music mixes on it, like one person play the guitar, then sing, whatever.

And it spoiled me. Everything was practically instantaneous. this Vista takes minutes just to close some programs. Boot takes a long time, with XP it was like a minute or so.

I have heard every horror story out there, I would get hacked by kiddie porners and the FBI wwas coming and all this. The worst thing that ever happened was I got ransomware once, but I was so well backed up I laughed.

I wish I could get the login the same as the old one. By some sort of error on my part it is all FUBAR. (fowled up beyond all recognition) You get the login screen, it says admin but anything you do won't work because it is disabled. You have to erase the "administrator" and put in my username without a password for it to start. I defy someone to hack that.

And I will put it online, and I will be here on it. It will take the same browser I am using now.

I see that no AV program wants to run on XP anymore. Fine. I'll be alright. i also am not one to wear a seat belt. I do because they fine the driver here and they can't get out of paying. I can.

I have a couple of Win 7 PCs kicking around, a laptop and a tower. I don't care for them. Plus most of my software won't run. But it seems that with 11% and 13% that is 24%. Many people must be using 7 and 8 I guess. Well there is MAC and Linux. More technical peeoplee are going fo the Linu. And some engineeers can't use win 10 because in their EULA you have no privacy, they can take ay file they want. If you sign a non disclosure agreemment you can't use it. That means engineers who work from home of course as well as anyone working on an idea that is not yet patented. Oh, and if the military has anything to do with it that is so much more fun.

Most of the market was Win 7 and 8, and they were both offered 10 free, why didn't they take it ?

I'm no expert but in my opinion XP was the best version since 3.1 (which I appreciate would be somewhat useless now). However, I've replaced both desktop and laptop in the last 3 years and although they had 8.0 installed, have now been upgraded (automatically) to 10.

I am dreading the arrival of 11.
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