Ah, the problems of design by committee and the camels it tends to make. It seems clear that a recipe that is all inclusive is unlikely to be found. The original vision – if I understood it correctly Morning Glory – was just to see the different interpretations people put on a specific dish and the cross fertilisation of ideas that might come from that. I think it is an idea that might just begin to work better as it starts to gel in people’s minds from the first few attempts. So, let’s just see if we can get this up to take-off velocity and pick a recipe. Perhaps everyone should nominate just one recipe idea and we’ll see if there is a prevailing mood for which one of those nominations to start with – accepting that some may not be motivated to participate in the first one, for one reason or another. Of the ideas suggested so far, the chicken ballotine is the one that appealed to me – and clearly leaves quite a bit of scope for people to choose what they put in the stuffing. Also, I have had a look and there are some recipes to found on the web for chicken ballotine. Ah but now I’m just contributing to the committee cacophony…