Cookbooks or website?

I do search for recipes online. I do not buy cookbooks even though I have some from my mum. You can find new recipes online for free at any time. It takes time to order for cookbooks plus the payments procedures. I found that getting recipes online for free is the best thing.
I like both cookbooks and websites. If I'm in a hurry and need a recipes I'll automatically go the internet to google a recipe. I have a few websites I trust and love the recipes from. It's so much quicker and easier to search for recipes. Also I like to read the reviews on recipes and peoples' suggestions as to changes they've made to the recipe. I still have a great collection of cookbooks and will go them when looking for a favourite recipe. I have to say with the internet now I no longer buy cookbooks but still receive them as gifts.
I feel like I am spoken to this a few times now and my answer is still going to be that I am mostly drawn to websites. I still cookbooks, but I really don't use them. Still I would produce the book. There is still a market for books. I am guessing the ideal situation would be work with both if I said that correctly.
I use websites 98 percent of the time. I do have quite a cookbook collection though and it is fun to look at the pictures and I will occassionally maybe make a recipie out of them but mostly I rely on websites that has all the information I need as well as commentary from those who have made the dish in the past...Doncha love the internet???
I am cooking dinner today and using a recipe from the Good Food website so my chromebook will be in the kitchen with me. I am doing lamb shanks, I know for some it is straight forward to do but I have never done it before and don't want to keep asking my husband all the time, trying to take more responsibility in the kitchen so ask the internet.
I'd love to have some cookbooks! I usually go to a website but to flip open a book would be so much easier for me.
I prefer websites since they're more handy and accessible. I can't imagine lugging around a cookbook if I'm on the move! Although it depends on your target market though. If you are wanting the youth to try their hand in cooking and generally just have a wider reach across the globe, then go for websites. If you are looking at the older market then maybe cookbooks are still the way to go.
I rarely even buy cookbooks anymore unless they're handbooks on organic gardening or something. There are a lot of free recipes online with pictures and I take advantage of that. Do you know how much books cost these days? We, at my home rarely use them too much less read an actual book on anything. The internet provides something fast and good and what you really need in a great variety. I'd buy cookbooks from my favorite chefs like Gordon Ramsay though just because I like his cooking style and I can't find his stuff anywhere.
I use both, I will go the internet if I just thought of something and I want to see if I have everything to make the item. But I also like to read the book, look at the pictures.
I made banana bread yesterday...and I looked at a cookbook for the first time in many months. It was one I inherited from my grandmother. However, the recipe for banana bread called for shortening. I wasn't going to put that in my banana bread, I don';t even have any, so I used butter instead. I ended up looking up one online instead..of the one in the book. It seems like when I look at cookbooks these days, I am looking at the pictures more than actually making the food.
I use websites when I am in a hurry. I love my cookbooks too.
My go-to for general recipes is Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cook Book.
If I have a specific baking question I use Professional Baking. It is a college textbook that my brother gave to me.
I also have cookbooks for everything else.
Moving to rural Australia and relying on a satellite connection to the internet I have found a major issue with online recipes. It is actually that bad that I have had to start taking screenshots of the recipe I am using if I am using an online recipe because I recently lost my broadband connection whilst I was making a recipe I had never made before! It didn't end well.

So I am still very much in the prefer a paper copy of the recipe. I don't mind if it came from online and I have printed it, but I do much prefer cookbooks. Somehow being able to write on the recipe how I have modified it to our tastes, edited a quantity where there is a typo (so very common with online recipes 1tbsp salt can mean and often does mean 1tsp salt and that is a huge difference) or scaled it up or down to meet our needs. Despite me being an IT Engineer, my cooking is going to remain paper based for a long time to come!
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