CookingBites Dish of the Month (February): Frittata

Epiphany Moment

With all the great collaboration software available and all the streaming video software available, we (the CookingBites community) should have an International cook-off that we live stream.
Epiphany Moment

With all the great collaboration software available and all the streaming video software available, we (the CookingBites community) should have an International cook-off that we live stream.

I hate (really hate) to be a wet blanket but its a struggle to get very many members participating in challenges which have a 5 to 6 weeks duration. In my dreams, live streaming would be wonderful. There is of course a huge issue with time zones - from Australia to America to UK. I'm up at stupid hours, of course.

Meanwhile - where are all the frittatas?
Meanwhile - where are all the frittatas?
Coming tomorrow or Friday (if today is Wednesday).
If tonight's vegan cheese fondue makes enough for 4 servings then the frittata will be Friday, if it only makes enough for 1 night , then it will come tomorrow .

And hubby's answer is 18.

Edit, now coming on Friday if we're home in time to make it , otherwise it's a Saturday job! (the vegan cheese fondue was a big hit and also enough for 2 days.)
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Made and half eaten. Piccies to follow. It was either 18 or 20 eggs. I lost count.
Not as good as hubby's version of it but every time I ask him what I'm doing wrong he looks at me blankly. I've asked him for his recipe, what he does but he tells me he doesn't know and that in over thinking it!
Peas frittata.
Peas frittata.jpg
Pea frittata.jpg
@MypinchofItaly ... I adore the use of peas in the recipe. I would have never thought of that. And the peas look so good in the photos.

Funny note. When I first saw the photos, I thought the peas were peanuts. < Lightbulb goes on > A frittata with peanuts.

:laugh: peanuts frittata

@TodayInTheKitchen thank you for your comment anyway, I used frozen peas (blanch in boiling water for a few minutes and then sauté in the pan with garlic, thyme, onion and some lard and black ground pepper)
Just a what's left in the fridge frittata because we didn't manage to get to the Food festival we had intended to be visiting for our evening meal .



No editing, just straight off the camera whilst the dish was still hot.

Onions, potatoes, tamari soy sauce, broccoli, peas, reg pepper, red chilli pepper and kalamati olives. 18 or 20 eggs. It's an 11 inch saute pan that I use as a short casserole bowl or frying pan. It's safe to go into the oven which is how I finished off the frittata to prevent it burning underneath.
In the same vein as @morning glory "What ever is left in the fridge" frittata, I made a...
"Sunday morning, got too much stuff to do" frittata.

4 minutes to make, 1 minute to eat. :cook:

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