We don't do a weekly budget per se. We do monthly, quarterly and biannual budgets.Gosh, I don't know. I was only reporting a news item. I'm not an advocate for this...I'm impartial. Just like the BBC!
I think the idea may be that there are certain things you are likely to have and use over time (like flour or bread). It might be better to think about a weekly budget - but hey, its not so catchy as a £1 ($1) meal! This guy got famous with his instagrams and will no doubt have a recipe book out soon.
Last month we spent nearly $500 on groceries. But that is at least 3 months worth of meats, 6 months worth of canned goods and depending on how much I bake 2-3 months of baking goods. Plus the usual perishables. And updated my spices.
We usually spend less than $25 a week on our staples. Unless we catch good sales.