Cryptic food and drink

Here's one for @Duck59 Others are welcome to solve it.

Put cake mix with the last of the bread for a quacking good starter!

I had a feeling this wouldn't take off (the thread, not the duck). One more, though.

Ducks eat a curious range of herbal stuff (7)
I had a feeling this wouldn't take off (the thread, not the duck). One more, though.

Ducks eat a curious range of herbal stuff (7)
It will take off, eventually but there are a limited number of people generally who can manage cryptic clues like this and then even fewer who are members here, so it will probably need a little time and maybe a clue a week with some hints as the time goes on. I know for sure I have had no idea on any of these or even where to start with them. I can feature the thread if you wanted, but I think know things are quiet at the moment as it is. It should pick up again in the new year.
I had a feeling this wouldn't take off (the thread, not the duck). One more, though.

Ducks eat a curious range of herbal stuff (7)
Struggling with this one. Showed it to partner who is an excellent Guardian crossworder and he can't do it either.
Hint: Americans pronounce it differently to Brits.
Gosh! Its been a while since I did crosswords and I'd forgotten the other meanings of duck. I suppose you could have:

Herb for a change in Duck a l'Orange.

I'm sure there are better ways to phrase that... must hone my clue writing skills.
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