Cryptic food and drink

A rather embarrassing balls-up by Maskarade in today's Guardian crossword:

Some Atlantean or Kässbohrer would certainly interest him! (6)

The answer, as you may have guessed, is ANORAK, but I think we can spot the flaw in the clue.
Clue in today's Guardian crossword:

Broken bed, a sorry conclusion to a boozy night out? (10)

This had me baffled for a while, largely because it was given as ten letters. I would have thought (5,5) personally. Not that I eat the things, of course.
Clue in today's Guardian crossword:

Broken bed, a sorry conclusion to a boozy night out? (10)

This had me baffled for a while, largely because it was given as ten letters. I would have thought (5,5) personally. Not that I eat the things, of course.
I agree its (5,5)
Doner means rotating so literally rotating grilled/roast meat.
When I lived in Oxford, you used to see doner kebab vans at strategic points in the city, which by a curious coincidence tended to be in the vicinity of the more popular pubs. I remember mentioning this to a few people after I moved to Scotland in 1992 and most of them thought I was having them on!
Mad psycho trains on takeaway food (7,5)
Meaty things are rubbish, so try spinach! (7,5)
Stripy nachos? No, pub food! (7,5)

I'm sorry...playing with letters while listening to the cricket.
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