Yeah, a grey area for sure.Maybe there's a better word than rule...or preference...and I just don't know what it is. I was just thinking along the lines of the "pasta must be cooked al dente" - if you watch just about any cooking show on TV, if they're making spaghetti or penne or whatever, they will always, always make a point to say, "Cook the pasta until it's al dente, which means 'to the tooth'," which I always find a little patronizing, but that's another topic.
Anyway, is that a rule? A preference? It's always marched out like a rule, that's for sure, but we're just having a fun little conversation on some of those old cooks' tales, rules, whatever you want to call them.
Ok, so here's a "rule" that I think most have heard of. "don't drink red wine with fish" Personally that never made any sense to me and I've never followed that rule. I do select more white than red with fish though.