Lynne Guinne
Ha! I figured someone would check. We had ham and Jarlsberg on croissants after salads made with mixed greens, etc.
So there,,,
So there,,,
My user name is just an abbreviation of my first name and my surname. I have another variation based on my initials and surname which is use on some other sites. The first user name I ever had was Ratlady, which was appropriate at the time because I used to breed rats and had about 400 of them in my housebut when the rats went, so did the name. My avatar on most sites is usually one of my furbabies, except on Facebook where it can be anything from the real me to a brick wall
That it was "late" is no excuse!!Actually, I got that wrong - serves me right for staying up late, and without me opening another bottle of wine. This one is based on my initials and surname, the one I use on other sites is an abbreviation of my first name and surname.
I must admit I was a bit puzzled - now it makes sense.Actually, I got that wrong - serves me right for staying up late, and without me opening another bottle of wine. This one is based on my initials and surname, the one I use on other sites is an abbreviation of my first name and surname.
Staying up late and no more wine?I must admit I was a bit puzzled - now it makes sense.
I've had the name Morning Glory since early days on the internet (early 1990's). I chose it first of all because in those days I belonged to what used to be known as 'mailing lists'. The lists I belonged to were poetry lists and I became quite well known for my poetry under that name. The choice was based on my love for zen poetry which often mentions the morning glory flower. Morning Glory (Latin name Ipomoaea) is also my favourite flower. I love the intense colour and fragility. The flowers last but a day.
In fact, I also use the name on FB which I suppose is unusual because most people use their own names there. The reason for that is that I used to work under another name (name from a long gone marriage) which was in fact not my real name. I've no idea why I ever got married or decided to adopt his name - a practice which I find sexist and archaic. But it was the early 70's and I guess I wasn't as aware as I am now. We divorced within a year or so of getting married and I have never married since. Anyway, to cut a long story short, most people in the professional side of my career know me by that name (a name I dislike). I made several documentary films under that name which were quite successful so it made sense to hang on to it for professional purposes. It isn't my legal name
I really didn't want that name as a FB identity - but if I'd used my real name nobody would have known who I was. So I reverted to Morning Glory.
So that's the story of Morning Glory. Unfortunately the name has other slightly lewd connotations which I try to ignore!
6 years ago my husband and I decided to change our lives. We decided to go off and attempt to cycle around the world.
We needed a new ID online, something totally different from our old ID and something that reflected what we were about to do.
We finally settled on Sat Nav Says Straight On which has been abbreviated to SNSSO over the years.
We would often see people with SatNav/TomTom/GPS devices in the cars, usually when driving along a dual carriage way or motorway. And we would often look at them and wonder exactly how difficult was it to remember to turn off at Exit 40? Did you really need to program in a route that told you to stay on the motorway for the next 200 miles? 999 times out of 1,000 (or at least it felt like that) it would say 'straight on' and it became a game on some of the rather longer car journeys we used to undertake (Portsmouth to the Outer Hebrides (for those not in the UK, that is basically the entire length of England and Scotland combined and then some more...)) or Portsmouth to Stockholm (Sweden) and then carry on north for another 3-4 hours... that kind of thing. One we did regularly was Portsmouth to Pitlochry, turn left and head inland for an hour... an 10-11hr journey if and only if you left at 6am in the morning! Leave later and you were looking at 14hrs or more (550 miles) Anyhow, the point was that we never used SatNav or TomTom or any GPS devices. It didn't match with our lives and our mountaineering and we didn't intend to start using it for our tour. We didn't get why people needed it. In fact we did the whole thing (a year on the road and 14,000km or 9,000 miles) using paper maps only. We didn't need a SatNav to tell us to go straight on, especially with some of the roads we were going to be cycling. Cycle to the end of the road (5 days away), turn left, cycle for another 5 days.... and so on. (You should always go straight on (if possible) if you are lost, that way returning to your last known, confirmed point is much easier than the 'did we go left or right here?' scenario.) Hence, SatNavSaysStraightOn
The Avatar....
Pure and simply we used to watch Xena Warrior Princess and loved Calisto, hence my avatar.
BTW - I have tried changing my avatar (used on several other sites along with my SNSSO) and within a day, I had been inundated in messages, PMs, even a thread at one point asking me to return to her. People actually got upset that I had stopped using her!
And I'm not blond either!
yep - matches me really in that sense... red head, from Glasgow and can fight back (or used to be able to - don't know if I could fight off a pack of dogs now but I know I would give it a very good attempt!)She was a feisty lass![]()
..... I've no idea why I ..... decided to adopt his name - a practice which I find sexist and archaic..
Frizz was my nickname right back to the start of high school. 1974 the year I was born. I've been using Frizz or Frizz1974 online since the old bulletin board days at the start of the internet.
My hair is still just as Frizzy now as it was then. Possibly worse.