Deep fryer

That makes good sense, too, Shermie. A multi-options cooker with a wide range of temperature. A foodie could go plumb nuts with all of the wonderful options and gadgets there are to choose from these days. I think that's why so often I prefer to use the old time tried and true pre-gadget-and-small-appliance methods and items in my kitchen. But not always. I am definitely going for the actifry as soon as I can manage it. I looked at another brand of air fryer online (there are several), but it was higher in cost than the actifry.
The Actifryer sounds like the perfect option. I really hate the smell that is left in my house when I use a traditional deep fryer. It is a heavy smell and it stinks bad. I do not do a lot of frying in my house, but it comes in handy when I want an old fashioned dinner of fried chicken or make some food that only tastes good when it is deep fried. I am going to look into this fryer mentioned because it sounds like it would be the way to go for me.
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