Didn’t see anywhere better to post this


Regular Member
18 Sep 2022
Local time
5:06 AM
I frequent a political sight that has a Forum/Thread called "What did you have for dinner tonight"
It gets tons of traffic!! At this point it has 299 pages.
And you get to hear about all kinds of good recipes,good or bad.
Thought it might go over well here.

Just a thought.
I frequent a political sight that has a Forum/Thread called "What did you have for dinner tonight"
It gets tons of traffic!! At this point it has 299 pages.
And you get to hear about all kinds of good recipes,good or bad.
Thought it might go over well here.

Just a thought.

We already have that. It is broken up by months, but it is called "What did you cook or eat today." There is a separate thread for breakfast, too.

Is it a sub forum or thread?
I looked and didnt see anything like that.
I frequent a political sight that has a Forum/Thread called "What did you have for dinner tonight"
It gets tons of traffic!! At this point it has 299 pages.
And you get to hear about all kinds of good recipes,good or bad.
Thought it might go over well here.

Just a thought.

As mentioned, the series of threads are over in the Miscellaneous Cooking Discussions forum where each monthly thread typically runs to about 40 or so pages each month. The new thread is always on the featured threads page, so the slider on the front/home page. At the start of the month it will be the first thread, but as the month goes on, it slips from the first, to the second, third or fourth featured thread.

You can find the previous threads using this tag (what did you cook or eat today). It lists all of them going all the way back 2013.

The only thing we don't talk about in the cafe forum is food & drink hence you not finding it here. Lol.

We also have a few other "what" threads including what you purchased (or acquired) today and what's going on in your veg plot.... that last one is over in the The Veg Plot, & Growing to Preserving forum.
I tend to navigate/update this site by clicking on 'new posts' at the top left. Then you catch what people are chatting about.

Yes, the "What did you cook/eat" thread is almost always one of the threads when you click "new posts" link.

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