That's interesting. To elaborate, when I said my wife is from NY, she's from way up past Lake Placid, north of the Adirondacks, a good 8-hour drive due north of NYC, and just south of the US/Canada border. Their license plates stated in French "I will rember". We always hoped they would remember the way home! In WWII, the French were called "Frogs". We always called French Canadians "Gorfs", frog spelled backwards as they were backwards French.
French-Canadians come pouring into her town, especially in the summer, and it's the same kind of thing: the area benefits greatly from the tourism money, but the locals hate the F-C's with a passion. Funny thing a phone book from her area, and it's 70% French names. They're all related!![]()
That is odd. The F-C's came to S. Florida (Hollywood and North Miami Beach) because it was cheap. Many servers at restaurants said they were poor tippers, if they left anything at all. I had some lady come into the dive shop I was working at in the early '80s asking me if I knew where the Society de Quebecious (sp) was, in broken English, "You know, where all the French Canadian's go."
I had two brothers from Quebec frequent the store. They were both "Professional" wrestlers there. One of them told me about an incident at his apartment building at home. The apartments were furnished. A family of Haitians moved into the apartment above his. After several weeks, he noticed his walls discoloring then becoming brown and moist. When he complained to the manager, it was discovered that the Haitians had moved all the furniture into the bedrooms, laid 12" of soil in the living room, planted crops, had goats and chickens. The brown stains on his wall were from the watering.
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