Midlands, England
It's not all good news...Andrew Lloyd Webber is streaming his hit musicals.
I may have omitted a consonant.

It's not all good news...Andrew Lloyd Webber is streaming his hit musicals.
I may have omitted a consonant.
Richard Thompson song for the age...Keep Your Distance.
My daughter, her husband, and two children are all off work & school, and cooped up at home
She is home schooling the children, boys aged 5 & 7, but as you can imagine, it's not easy - and as an aside, my sympathies to anyone else in a similar position
They live on the other side of the country so I can't really do much to help; and neither would i wish to travel & visit, with the possibility of picking up infection or taking it to them
So I have sent them two model plane kits
They are Airfix Quick Build Kits, which clip together and don't need any tools, glue or paint. The reviews say they're suitable for ages 4 upwards, with a bit of adult help
I haven't actually seen them, but Airfix say they're compatible with LEGO
She reports that the boys love them, and are really excited that they might get more
Search Google and YouTube for 'Airfix Quick Build Kits'.
I ordered & paid for the kits, but arranged for the supplier to send them directly to my daughter
Most Online/Mail Order suppliers now have provision to purchase items, but have a different delivery address
This is a suggestion for any families in the same sort of position, and who knows, it might lead on to more advanced models as they get older
She said that she's determined to have something to show for this enforced isolation, otherwise when it's over we'll look back and wish we had the time again
My other indoor hobbies are knife making
Some people forge or grind their own blades but you have to be keen to do that
I buy in ready made blades then fit my own handles and make my own sheaths
It is a big hobby in Scandinavia, so although there are British suppliers, this Finnish one has probably the best website to show the range of knives available -
Besides bushcraft & hunting knife blades there are cook's knives
On the Home Page click on 'Brisa Supplies see all'
on the menu click on 'BRISA knife blades'. ----- this will show you Brisa's own blades
on the menu click on 'knife blades'.----- There are several pages showing the full range of blades from other makers; ----or on the menu you can choose the blades from each maker
You can also Search the website for handle materials in synthetic or wood, various accessories, and so on
Search YouTube for 'making knife handles'; there are loads of videos
Most people use power tools & sanders, but it is quite possible to make knives with hand tools, as I do, it just takes a bit longer, and there are a few videos just with hand tools
My leatherwork developed from knife making. at first I just wanted to make the sheaths, but as i've become more interested i've started making belts and wallets