That's how I am, like your wife.My wife hates seafood, when she smells it she starts gagging. I love it. I try to cook it when she's not here.
My father-in-law was a great guy, and I loved him dearly, still think about him and miss him every day, just about. He loved anything. He'd eat anything, didn't matter what it was, where it came from, he'd eat it and he'd love it.
He also loved to tease and make jokes, but he knew the one thing he could never tease me about was cooking any kind of fish or seafood in my house. He made a joke one time, and my pudgy 5'9" self looked right at his 6'7" ex-pro-athlete still-muscular self and said, "You do that and one of us will be sleeping in a hotel room...and it won't be me." He never brought it up again, because he could tell by the tone of my voice that he might have been joking, but I wasn't.