Forum GOD!
When we eat out it is usually at a "white linen" restaurant. I try to get George to share with me - 1 appetizer, 1 salad, 1 entre. If the entre is not very heavy we can share a desert. We both leave the restaurant pleasantly full but not over stuffed or feeling so full that we need wheel chairs to exit the restaurant.
George has struggled with obesity his entire life. Even after Bariatric Surgery he is obese. If there is food on his plate he will force himself to eat it.
Sharing is a good thing. He eats out more often than not because of his job. I have talked to him about ordering an appetizer with a side salad and veggies instead of a full entre. That falls on deaf ears. Buffets, plate lunches, "all you can eat" are the nemesis of people with chronic weight issues.
A big YES on sharing.
A friends wife had the operation a few years ago, she looks a million dollars now. I don't know where the extra skin goes now? And I'm not asking,lol.